Types as teachers

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INFJs as teachers are often very warm, but at the same time extremely informative. They want to find ways to connect with their students, and are always compassionate towards them. INFJs dislike being too harsh on their students, and would much rather facilitate with ways to help them grow. They want to help their students feel excited and passionate about learning, especially with subjects the INFJ connects with as well. They understand that not everyone learns in the same way, and will often work to find different approaches. They are very supportive as teachers, with a “my door is always open,” mentality. INFJs truly want to make a difference in their students lives, and aim to help them succeed.

ENFJs are actually commonly seen in the teaching fields, since they thoroughly enjoy connecting with people. Being able to use their knowledge as a way to improve someone else’s life and help them learn, is truly enjoyable for ENFJs. They are often seen as the fun teacher, who also can be a little hard when they are trying to push their students. They make their class fun and exciting for their students, but at the same time they push them to constantly be better. ENFJs are often skilled at finding ways to connect with people, which truly helps them become excellent teachers.

INFPs as teachers are often very warm people, who try to make their setting more relaxed. At the same time they want to be sure that their students take things seriously, and do not accept being disrespected. The INFP teacher dislikes being stuck in one narrow minded teaching, and often enjoys expanding the minds of their students. They want to help their students discover what they are passionate about, and enjoy encouraging people to follow their dreams. They certainly won’t be trying to force uptight goals down their students throats when it comes to their futures, and simply wants to help them learn and grow.

ENFPs as teachers are often funny, and sometimes a bit all over the place. They certainly enjoy informing their students, and want to help them learn as much as they can. ENFPs simply dislike staying in one place for too long, so they will often come up with fun and imaginative ways to teach their students. They will search for ways to make sure everyone is engaged, without having to force them to participate. ENFPs want to help people become excited about their class and learning, and enjoy helping people discover their passions.

INTJs as teachers are often a bit stern, and enjoy encouraging their students to become passionate about learning. INTJs believe that informing others and helping them to grow, is a truly important things in this world. They often make good teachers because the INTJ believes in what they are doing and wants to really affect their students. They area intelligent people, who are always trying to improve themselves, which makes them highly qualified teachers. They can sometimes be a bit harsh in the eyes of some students, since they take their jobs very seriously. They will do best with students who sincerely want to learn, and do not want to waste their time with the ones who have no interest in it.

ENTJs as teachers are both stern and helpful with their students. They want to make their classroom a fun place, where people can find new ways to learn the information. ENTJs definitely are capable of cutting their students some slack, and do not want to appear too harsh. At the same time the ENTJ does not accept disrespect, and has little patience for people who are rude and do not put forth the effort. They are both fun and tough teachers, which often makes them excellent at their jobs. They can be extremely helpful to the people who work hard.

INTPs as teachers are often a bit quirky, but also great at helping their students. They are often the teacher who becomes extremely passionate about their subjects, and inspires their students to get excited as well. INTPs can actually become great at giving lectures once they have spent plenty of time practicing over the years. They know how to use multiple approaches to help their students learn however helps them the most. INTPs understand that not everyone learns in the same way, so they want to help facilitate a safe space for them to grow.

ENTPs as teachers are encouraging and enthusiastic, and enjoy finding ways to enrich their students learning experience. ENTPs want to make sure that each day in their classroom is different and new, and dislike letting things become stagnant. The ENTP educator is often seen as the fun, and maybe a little wacky teacher. Their students often enjoy their way of teaching, and the fact that everything is exciting. The ENTPs way of teaching often helps their students to feel engaged with the material, and safe to explore their own ideas.

ISTJs as teachers are often very focused on instructing and ensuring that their students walk away with something. They often like to keep things scheduled, and won’t let their classroom disrespect them in anyway. These types of teachers dislike when people do not put in the effort, and will often be a bit unforgiving in these situations. The ISTJ teacher provides as much information as they possibly can in order to help their students absorb the knowledge. They want to provide the people they teach with assistance and information which will help them advance in their lives.

ESTJs as teachers are often very informative, but a bit stern. They want to be sure that their students take their class seriously, and have very little patience for people who do not put forth effort. ESTJs want to make sure that everyone is absorbing the information, and that they are actually trying to learn. ESTJs are good at teaching people though, especially when it comes to something they understand thoroughly. They can be viewed as the harsh teacher, who demands a lot from their students. This is simply because the ESTJ wants to truly help people grow and learn.

ISFJs as teachers are often warm and inviting, and enjoy helping their students feel safe. They do not want to make people feel judged, so the ISFJ often tries to be compassionate. When it comes to teaching they want to make sure that their students participate, but do not feel overwhelmed. Sometimes the ISFJ will go a bit easy on their students, and hopes to help inspire instead of push them. ISFJs as teachers do believe in helping their students learn the material, so they will try to find ways to connect with them on a more helpful level.

ESFJs as teachers are extremely warm and helpful to their students. They want to find ways to connect with people, and will go above and beyond. ESFJs as teachers want to approach each student differently, because they understand that everyone learns in their own way and at their own pace. They dislike being too harsh with people, so they will often try to go a bit light on them. ESFJs do want to ensure that their students learn enough information though, and will try to help them absorb their teachings.

ISTPs as teachers are often extremely connected to the information, and want to help their students get excited as well. They do have a bit of a hands off mentality though, and dislike forcing people to participate. The ISTP as a teacher is excellent at providing information and helping others understand what they are teaching. At the same time they will not try and force their students to learn, and dislike wasting their time on people that refuse to try.

ESTPs as teachers are often passionate and exciting, and enjoy making their classroom fun. ESTPs can be a bit aggressive in their approach though, and do not want their students to slack off. They are usually excited about the information they are teaching, and simply want to see their students feel the same way. ESTPs take learning very seriously, and believe in trying to remove ignorance from the world. They dislike when people are not properly informed, and believe in helping them receive the facts.

ISFPs as teachers enjoy connecting with their students, but they don’t want to push them too much. They often have a very relaxed way of teaching, because they want to make their student feel at ease. ISFPs care about other people, and because of this they dislike being too hard on them. ISFPs do have a line though, and will be stern if that line is crossed. For the most part they want to make the learning experience fun and laid back. They are often seen trying new tactics as a means of ensuring that their classroom is an enjoyable place to be.

ESFPs as teachers want to make their classroom a fun and exciting place to learn! They enjoy trying to encourage their students, and dislike chastising them. They definitely do not have a harsh approach to teaching, and prefer to let their students have freedom in their learning experience. ESFPs enjoy trying to make the learning process fun, and will often find ways to make things more exciting. The ESFPs teacher often enjoy field trips, and hands on ways to learn.

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