What scares each mbti type?

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Saw this 👇by a person in quora👆 and found it interesting .

What scares you?🤔

INFJ - a life without meaning and purpose, their own faults that they know too well

INFP - not living up to their ideals or potential, not having lived or accomplished

ENFJ - not being appreciated enough, superficial relationships and having no one around them with depth

ENFP - being alone, life without meaning and purpose, hurting others' feelings

INTJ - losing their mental ability, social situations, not achieving their potential, romance with strangers

INTP - being perceived as unintelligent, losing their rationality, being put in a state of emotionality

ENTJ - a life confined to lazy people, inefficiency, the thought of not achieving what they want and being only mediocre, losing control

ENTP - loneliness, boredom, oppressive hierarchy and lack of freedom, the repercussions of telling that joke they know they'll get in trouble for but do it anyways

ISFJ - not being able to protect their loved ones

ISFP - being trapped, whether it be individual expression, relationships, or commitments

ESFJ - being embarrassed publicly, losing the respect and esteem of their friends and colleagues

ESFP - being stuck and not having freedom to do what they want, being devoid of human relationships

ISTJ - risk, the unknown, instability, big crowds, publicity and attention

ISTP - being forced to stick to a boring routine for the rest of their lives without variability and freedom

ESTJ - uncertainty, losing control, being perceived as incompetent

ESTP - Joe Biden

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