What experts will never tell you about your mbti type

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On personality trait measures, score as Artistic, Reflective, Careless, Sensitive, Flexible, and Appreciative

Among lest likely of all types to suffer heart disease

In men, among least likely to report chronic pain

Second highest of all types to report marital dissatisfaction

Among most likely to have suicidal thoughts in college

Tend to be more successful than the average in learning a foreign language

Among types most likely to be dissatisfied with their work

Personal values include Autonomy and Creativity

Overrepresented in occupations in counseling, writing, and the arts


Least common type in the population

On personality trait scales, scored as Sincere, Sympathetic, Unassuming, Submissive, Easygoing, Reserved, and Patient

Among highest of all types in college GPA

Among most likely to stay in college

Most likely of all types to cope with stress by seeing a therapist

Highest of all types in marital dissatisfaction

Personal values include Spirituality, Learning, and Community Service

Commonly found in careers in religion, counseling, teaching and the arts.


On personality trait measures, score as Discreet, Industrious, Logical, Deliberate, Self-confident, and Methodical

Among types least likely to suffer heart disease and cardiac problems

Least likely of all the types to believe in a higher spiritual power

One of two types with the highest college GPA

Among types with highest income

Personal values include Achievement

Of all types, least likely to state that they value Home/family, Financial security, Relationships & Friendships, and Community Service

Overrepresented among MBA students and female small business owners

Commonly found in scientific or technical fields, computer occupations, and legal professions


On personality trait measures, score as Candid, Ingenious, Complicated, Independent and Rebellious

More likely than other types to study a foreign language

Most frequent type among college students committing alcohol and drug policy violations

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