Chapter 17

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I wake up opening my eyes only immediately shut then from the bright sun shining into the room. I sit up groaning from a raging headache I have.

I see my clothes I was wearing last night flung around the room. My head snaps down to my body. I was indeed naked if you must know.

I look over at Raiden who was still asleep next to me, he was also very naked. I lay back down as all the memories from last night come rushing into my mind. Well, last night was fun and eventful.

I roll over closing my eyes tightly. This is the reason I don't normally drink. If you're at a party you don't intentionally come to not drink or you drink just two beers or something like that.

"You ok, love?" Raiden asks rolling over to face me.

"I'm never drinking again" I whine, Raiden laughs at me pulling me closer to him.

"Aww, my poor baby" Raiden starts stroking my hair. I glare and shove him away.

"Get me some Painkillers" I demand.

"Fine only because you asked so nicely"

Raiden gets up from the bed heading towards the bathroom. He comes back a few seconds later with two painkillers and a glass of water.

I take the pills and drink the water. Raiden takes the glass as I lay back down. I pull the covers over my head blocking out the harsh light.

The air was knocked out of my lungs by Raiden. I'm certain he jumped on me. The blanket was removed from my head. Raiden smiled down at me.

"I hate you" I glare.

"That's not what you were telling me last night" he smirked making me roll my eyes.

"I tend to lie about loving people," I say eating a look from Raiden.

"Ok fine I love you" I sigh.

"And I love you, now I have to go check out the damage that's left behind downstairs" Raiden pecked my lips before he threw on clean clothes. Raiden left the room.

I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After my shower, I throw on a clean shirt that belongs to Raiden. I grab my pants from last night and throw them on as well. I tie the back of Raiden's shirt so it wasn't so big on me.

I comb through my hair with a comb I found in Raiden's bathroom. I make my way downstairs. The living room was littered with beer bottles and a couple of bodies.

Don't worry they are still living... I hope. I see Raiden picking up some of the bottles.

"Want some help?" I ask gaining Raiden's attention.

"Nah you don't need to help I got this"

"This wasn't even your party you shouldn't be the one cleaning up" I snatch the bag he was holding away from him. Raiden glares at me only to earn a cheeky smile from him.

"True but if I waited for Jonah's ass to get up and clean then I'd be waiting for an eternity" Raiden groans.

"Well, you clearly let these people get off way too easily without some sort of discipline.

"I'm not like other gang leaders, love" he sighs. I start laughing.

"Raiden I already knew that from the first day I met you that you were very different from others I've met before you" Raiden rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious Raiden. Any other gang leader wouldn't have been as nice and caring as you were to me the day we met"

"Yeah ok I get it"

"But for real tho you could at least be a bit more strict with these guys that way they'll do what you want" Raiden nods his head. He tossed the trash bag aside after ripping it from my grip.

"Thanks for telling me this before I did all this work by myself" he kissed my cheek before heading towards the door.

"I was gonna help you!' I shouted after him as I ran to catch up with him.

Raiden slammed open a door walking in. I followed wondering whose room this was. I see Jonah laying in bed looking at the door seeing who it was.

"What the hell Raiden!?" he groaned laying back down.

"Get your ass up and clean up that mess that is downstairs"

"Really you woke me up for that" Jonah groaned once again.

"You're gonna get your ass downstairs and clean up the mess from your goddamn party!"

"Why the hell can't you do it like you always do"

"I didn't throw the fucking party" Jonah continued to lay in bed.

"I've read a certain file containing your allergies and if you don't want to end up like my last victim then I suggest you get the fuck downstairs and do as Raiden says," I say casually as I lean against the door frame with my arms crossed.

Raiden turns to me smiling as Jonah jumps up from his bed. He runs past us and down the stairs.

"How did you get a file on him?" Raiden laughed.

"Oh I didn't but he doesn't need to know that. Now you, on the other hand, might not want to anger me because I've read your file over a hundred times and I have it on a hard drive so in case I need to get rid of you I can just refer back to that" I give him a genuine smile before turning on my heel and leaning from the room.

"You wouldn't do that you love me and you wouldn't dare hurt the one you love," he says I ignore him as I smile walking downstairs.

"Would you?" he asked running from Jonah's room.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see" I give him a wink before smirking.

"Way to make me feel safe in your presence, Keira," he says walking past me with as much distance between us as possible.

I roll my eyes at Raiden. I walk over to him wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I wouldn't dare use your file against you" I laugh at him.

"That's nice to know... Wait a minute what about weapons?" Raiden looked down at me.

"If it's in your file then it won't be used against you"

"There isn't shit about weapons in my file"

"I know" I press my lips to his. Raiden hungrily kissed me back. I pull away from him smiling.

"I guess you lucky I love you then huh"

"I guess I am" Raiden kissed me. Our lips move in sync. Raiden swiped his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I open my mouth allowing him access. Raiden explores my mouth for a few seconds before pulling away for air.

Raiden rests his forehead on mine as he looks into my eyes. A smile spreads across his face.

"I'm glad your back, love you always seem to make me happy no matter how I am feeling"

"I'm glad to hear that" I smile back at him.

"I got a few meetings today so you can either stick around and visit some of the people from our gang or you can leave and do whatever you want" Raiden moved his forehead off of mine.

"I'll just chill here," I say smiling.

"Ok, I'll be in the conference room if you need me" Raiden pecks my lips before heading back up the stairs.

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