Chapter 22

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I wake up and look at the clock. Its 5 in the morning at the same time I usually wake up on kill day.

I get out of bed and head over to my room where my stuff is still at. I grab a piece of paper and start counting the kills I have made during this year. I can remember every single one of them and each year it freaks me out how good my memory is.

1996 is how many people I have killed this year. It's the most I have ever had. I write down that number under the word kills.

I leave the paper on my desk and walk over to my closet. I grab out some shorts and a sports bra. I head down to the gym. When I first walk in I see my swords that Raiden put in here for me.

I start on the punching bag and I end up using everything in the gym. I hear two sets of feet walk onto the room. I look at the time it was almost 6 looks like I have been in here for almost two hours and I didn't even break a sweat.

I knew one person in the room was maiden but I couldn't put my finger on the other one. One of them takes a step closer and I instantly know who else is in the room.

"Corey it's been a while" I slowly turn around to face him. He looked the exact same as the last time I saw him. He had the same shaggy black hair and he was still around 6 feet tall.

"It has been a while" I watch his movement closely as he takes a few steps closer.

"Watch it or I'll add another number to my kill list," I say. Corey used to be a friend of mine but he betrayed me by working against me with people I was trying to take out on a mission.

"Already counted have you?" he smirked.

"You already know I have that's why your here and I'm not doing whatever you came here for"

"Who says I'm here for something"

"Corey you always need something you need me to not go through with a mission, you need me to save y9ur girlfriends and you also need me to be quiet when you held me in your fucking basement for three goddamn months so tell me what the fuck you are here for or I won't hesitate to add another number to my goddamn list" i shout at him.

He stayed silent trying to think of how to word his next sentence. I scoff at him as I rip a sword from its place on the wall.

"You won't hurt me Keira you love me and you won't hurt the people you love" he chuckles.

"That's the same thing Raiden thought before I stabbed him with his own knife and I don't fucking love you were a friend who turned on me and I don't take well to people who turn on me" I stab sword right into his heart I twist the sword before ripping it out. Corey's body dropped to the floor blood pouring out of the hole he now has.

"Did you really have to do that on Christmas?" Raiden asked.

"Your Christmas my kill day" I walk out of the gym and head to the bathroom. I wash the sword off in the bathtub before I return it to its place on the wall.

Raiden called a few of his men to come and clean this mess up. I shut the door behind me in case one of the girls get up.

I walk to my room seeing Raiden there holding a piece of paper. I look at my desk and my paper with how many kills I have is gone. I slowly look back up at Raiden knowing he had it in his hand. Well shit.

"That's a lot of people" he breathes out. I take the paper away from him and change the number to 1997.

"More than any other kill day even after I went to the arena" I place the paper back on my desk.

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