Chapter 19

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A few months have gone by. My mother apologized for accusing me of taking her kids. Jaxon helped her find them it took only a month to find them.

I started working back at Raiden's club to pass through some time. So that is where I'm currently at.

"Keira babe just one more round" a guy that has been sitting in front of me for two hours pushed his glass towards me again.

"I'm sorry but last time I checked that last shot was the last of your money so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," I say moving onto a new customer that just sat down.

"Keira baby, p-please j-just one more" he slurs.

"No so get the fuck out of here before Raiden throws your ass to the curb"

"I see you have your hands full," the new guy said.

"Yeah, once a week this guy comes in and gets totally wasted" I shrug.

"I'd just start filling his shot glass with water after he runs out of money," he says. I throw my head back and laugh.

"That's a good idea but I think it would only anger him when he isn't feeling the effect of the alcohol" I shake my head smiling.

"Keira!" the drunk shouts at me.

"Clive if you don't leave her alone I won't think twice about putting a bullet through that fucking head of yours," Raiden says from behind me.

"Alright, I'm leaving" Clive stumbles off the bar stool. Clive stumbles around people as he makes his way to the door.

"Thanks, Raiden but I could have handled that myself" I turn to him.

"I gave you time to handle it after the first time he raised his voice at you didn't I" he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Yes you did and you can leave now" I laugh. I nudge him with my elbow.

"Wow Keira I feel the love," he says shoving me playfully.

"I'm trying to work I'll see you later"

"Ok, I'm leaving" Raiden pecks my lips.

Raiden walks back to the top section. I sighed shaking my head while smiling. I don't know what I would do without him.

A few more hours we went by and I finished my shift. I turn to Haven when she threw a something at me.

"What the hell was that for?" I glare at her.

"I just wanted to get your attention," she says holding her hands up.

"Well you got it and you have it for another minute so if I were you I'd talk fast," I say sitting up on the counter.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm dating your brother" she breathes out. Well, I guess she didn't even need the whole minute.

"Ight I hear you," I say nodding my head.

"You don't care do you?" she asked peeking over at me.

"Nope" I shake my head.

"Thank God, I'll see you later," she says patting my leg before she jogged out of the building.

"Alright, Keira get your ass off my counter," Raiden says walking over to me after he waved to Amanda as she left.

"What why?" I groan.

"Because I said so" he gave me a stern look.

"But it makes it so much easier to do this" I wrap my legs around Raiden's body pulling him closer to me. I smash my lips onto his and kiss him fiercely. I run my hand through his hair. Raiden squeezes my thighs. He pulls away for air. I pull on his hair slightly.

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