Chapter 20

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Louis's P.O.V

Rushing futher into town, the atmosphere is chaotic. Guards rushing passed us to secure the gates from the Kingdom. Lily is pulling me from my arm thicker into the turmoil, my trusty coat is grazed from the bullet that shot me, but the bullet went clean through I think, the wound was still bleeding.

"Louis it's okay I'l will get you back to the yard". She proclaims perplexed

"Clementine". "We need to find her"! I grunt putting pressure on my wound.

"It's too dangerous Louis we have to get you out of here"!

"Not without Clem". "She's in the greenhouse right"?!

"That's on the other side of town Louis we will never get to her in time"!

"Come on"! Lily cries as the gunshots become more frecuent and piecing.

We were nearly at the cells building, rushing passed the front desk, Lily points me in the direction of the yards door.

"What's he doing back early"?
Rory spits

"WERE UNDER ATTACK YOU IDIOT"! Lily screams, sending him straight to his feet.

"Oh shit why didn't anyone say"?!

"Maybe if Bates ordered you to do something other than sitting on your ass all day".

"He's not going to the yard he should be outside with the OTHERS"!

"He might escape if he's out"!
"Bates would hang you if he knew and THAT is your department".

He glares at both of us.

"Whatever". Collecting his gun he leaves slamming the double doors behind him.


"Lily I need to know if Clem's okay".

"If you go back out there you'll be killed, you won't last five minutes, especially with that wound".


"I promise I'l get Clem back here".
"Until all that mess sorts itself out". "War is brutal Louis".

I've never been critically hurt before, other than one time when I was younger I went to the river back at Ericssons with Marlon and Omar. I fell and hit my head so hard it cracked agaisnt the rocks, it was nothin compared to this.

"Here". She says opening the yard door, handing me a first aid kit.

"LOUIS"! I see Tanya shout over at me trying to get my attention, she doesn't hesitate to help me.

"Oh damn who shot you"?!
"Was it her"?! She panics, looking over at Lily.

"No someone from the Kingdom shot me". I pant as Lily begins to slowly shut the door.

"HEY"! I warn Lily
"Bring her here".

Clementine's P.O.V

All day long Gen hasn't stopped trying to get it out of me, why I was so faint from coming back from working yesterday. We were planting seedlings, watering the plants and organizing the gardening tools.
Pretty boring to be honest.

"Hey Clem this plant looks like a vagina"!

I cringe desperatly, internally giggling at Gen's stupid observations. She made the day easier to deal with.

"Oh really"...I mumble

"No lie it's even fuckin purple"!!!
She beams walking over to my station, the plant in hand.
It was a Purple Pitcher Plant.

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