Chapter 22

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Hiya hunnies! Hope your having a great day ❤
The chapters are going to be moving very rapidly after this one. This chapter is basically the calm before the storm, this chapter will be an intimate chapter with the characters, their thoughts and in conclusion a happy moment for them all. And also a WARNING for some Smut. ⛔

Clementine's P.O.V

"SOUPS READY"! Omar calls, making me jump to my feet, Louis still laying on the bed, pouting.

"Come on lazybones".

"Your the one to talk you used to sleep in till eleven back at Ericsson's".
Snorting, he giggles amusingly to himself.

"Oh ha ha ha". My sarcastic giggles fading into my hands mercilessly begin to tickle his sides.

"Ahhhhh stopstopstop"!!!! He pleads, wriggling and twisting under my touch, until he clutches onto my wrists and pulls me on top of him.

"Let go"!!! I chuckle, now I was the one struggling.

"No can do your in it now"! He laughs, enjoying me scuffle above him.

"Come on aren't you hungry"? I try and sway him into food.


I stop wrestling, and gaze down at his glorious face.

"Oh, great"! I beam, carefully getting up of our bed to eat, until he grips onto my hips pulling me down firmly onto him.

"I'm hungry for you". He growls, smirking making me blush bright red.

"Oh is that so"?

"I know so baby". He mumbles raising up to my level, smashing his lips on mine, I quickly pull away not wanting to pull any attention from the others who were close by.

"Maybe later okay"? I whisper, smiling sweetly at him.

"I'm holding you to that"...He smiles back, winking, I roll my eyes, we both arise and make our way to the fire.

We walk over, Louis at me side, I immediately remove his hand that is currently grabbing my ass, why did he have to be
I loved that he was so romantic. But his amorous side was a pain in the ass sometimes.
At the fire, I notice Tanya practically drooling over Omar. And his soup, which was hardly surprising, it was Amazing. I decided to sit next to Aasim, he seemed really lonely, poor guy.

"Oh my god this is the bomb"!

"It's- what"? Omar stutters

"The soup". "Hahaha". She giggles

"Oh, thank you Tanya". He smiles warmly at her.

Oh wow, they were SO in love.

"Damn Omar your a regular Casanova"! Louis jokes

"Shut up stud you know everyone heard you back there with Clem".

I turn blood red, as Aasim, Tanya and Omar laught, Louis scratching his neck smirking.

"You guys are really good together". I add, making Tanya now blush, and Omar secretly smiling.

"She's right you know". "You guys should hook up". Assim invigorates.

"Yeah man welcome to the pairs club"!!! Louis snickers

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