Chapter 31

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Clementine's P.O.V

Our people down below begin to open the front gates to the school, sending me to descend the lookout post along with the others, reaching the ground I notice Aj tug onto Louis's hand giving him a downhearted look.


Louis seemed to be so confused when Aj was handing him his own gun.

"Don't worry Little Dude hang onto it".

"But I might hurt someone with it".

Louis began to kneel down to Aj's level and lovingly placing his hand on his tiny shoulder.

"Stay behind me okay"?
"Let Clem and me talk to these people, if anything goes wrong-"

"Hide and Run".
They both say at the same time.

"That's it". Louis smiles proudly at Aj, his doting face made me blush.

Louis quickly arose, Aj instantly pulling onto my hand and Louis's, standing behind us.

The anonymous men began to pour in through the gates, carrying crates and boxes, lowering them from their carts.
All of our people had there guns held up, backing away from the gates cautiously as the men approach us.
Me and Louis were standing infront of the crowd, protecting Aj as he stood behind us.
Until Violet and Ash near the crates, aiming their guns at the men, swiftly opening the crates.
Their expression turning to pure shook. I sprint over to see what was the problem, leaving Louis remaining in his protective stance position.

"Holy shit"...
Violet stammers, joining her I gaze down into the crate I feel my jaw drop.

The crates were full of food.
Not canned, It was fresh food.
They weren't lying...

We lower our guns, looking over to Ash he was holding a bag of flour carefully examining it.

"Why"? Ash asked, his voice shaky looking at the smiling man.

"Are you sure"? Ruby's eyes squint in suprise along with Tanya following behind her.

"Of course we are, back home we have more supplies than we known what to do with".

"Who are you"? Louis asks, Aj tugging gently onto his coat. I walk back over to my boys.

"I apologise for scaring you all".
"My name is Jerry".
"It is an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance".

"Clementine". I voice, holding his hand out, I take it. Shaking as his lips curve into a grin.
His eyes then darting to Louis.

"And who is this handsome young devil"? He giggles, Aasim coming into the picture his eyes widden in humor.

"How could he tell"?! Assim jokes, muttering to Genevieve, making us all notice and chuckle.

"I'm Louis".

Then shaking his hand we all begin to visibly relax.

"Thank you Jerry, your too kind".
I speak, smiling up at the tall man.

"I should be thanking you, on behalf of the King himself, we all thank you".

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