Chapt. 9

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Ella's outfit for the day^^^

Ella's POV

I woke up to a warm hand caressing the side of my face.

"Good morning, Ellie." He said with his morning voice, smiling softly.

"G'morning." I smiled back, ignoring my racing heart which I hope can still function after this heart racing moment.

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear while smiling softly, his eyes held a hint of adoration as he looked away from my eyes. My heart melted at the simple action but a thought crossed my head.

This isn't supposed to feel so right.

I take ahold of Damien's hand which made him freeze and look at me in the eye.

"This is starting to get confusing." I whisper, afraid that I'll step out of the line. "And you have a girlfriend who hates my guts."

"Right. Sorry, I didn't mean to." He sighs, clenching his jaw and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'll be leaving, now. See you later." He says, moving towards the window.

"Wait." I call out as he looked back at me with a questioning look.

What exactly is it that you want from me? I wanted to ask but I was too much of a coward.

"Never mind, see you later, I guess." I shrugged as he opened the window

I raised an eyebrow at him in question.

"Damien, that's not the door. That's a window." I say as if speaking to a child.

"I know." He smirks, opening the window and he proceeds to jump out of the window.

My eyes widen and I rush to the window frame.

He hopped over the fence to his house as I steadied my beating heart, resting the palm of my hand on my chest.

Whatever you are doing to me, Damien De Ville, please stop.

Or not?

. . . . .

"Hey, baby sis." Ashton says.

"I'm not a baby anymore." I roll my eyes.

"But you're still a baby to me." He says, winking.

"Right." I say, sarcastically.

"What's up with your wrist Ella?" He asks in a serious voice.

"Hmm? Oh that umm I was dancing in my room and fell and something cut my hand I guess." I shrug, chuckling nervously.

"Did you . . .do that to yourself?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No. Maybe. Kind of. Yes..." I say, pouring myself a glass of smoothie from the refrigerator as I avoided my brother's eyes.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Did something happen?" He asked cautiously as if he was scared to hurt me, as if I was fragile.

"I've just been having the nightmares again." I pursed my lips, busying myself with breakfast.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"You know who." I mutter.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Like a whole new person." I say in a sarcastic voice.

"Oh God, Ellie, I just can't bare with this again. If he ever touches you again-" I cut him off.

"You're going to kill him, yeah whatever, I'm just gonna go out for a while. Get some fresh air." I say.

It all started with a dare ✔️Where stories live. Discover now