Chapter 30

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Not edited at all, so sorry:(

"You look so beautiful together. How many week are you pregnant, Clare?" The sound of a woman, that I used to call mother, could be heard.

I first my hands. I had to think of my child.

My eyes wandered to Daemon's dark ones, they were as I expected them to be, ice cold. Nobody could see a single emotion in his eyes, but I know him. He was exploding inside.

I started laughing. "None of your business."

They totally didn't expect my reaction. I bet, they thought, that I would start freaking out, yelling or maybe even crying.

But, of course they were wrong. I'm never going to give them what they want, it's over. The little Clare has grown up.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have time for useless people like you." I added and just went into the car.

Just seconds later, Daemon joined. "I didn't expect your reaction to be honest."

"My goal was to make them speechless." I grinned. "And I totally succeeded."

"My beautiful wife." Daemon smirked.


I caressed my stomach, that still looked pretty flat (for my circumstances). My baby will always be safe in my arms.

"I can't wait for holding the baby." Daemon whispered in my ear. "I already love it more than my whole life."

"You're going to be a great dad." I smiled at him.

"Is anything wrong? You seem sad." Daemon looked worried.

"No, everything's okay. I just want our baby to be as safe as possible, you know?" I told him.

"Of course. Sometimes I feel so guilty for forcing you to marry me. You deserved a man, that gives you a save feeling, but I completely failed." He sounded so hurt and disappointed.

I slapped his chest. "I'm trying to say, thank god, that I am married to you, because my parents are scared of you. That means if I had married someone else, I wouldn't have been safe at all."

"That doesn't make any sense, Flower." He chuckled.

"It does. Do you want to tell me I'm stupid?" I fake cried.

It makes me so sad, when he thinks, that he is a bad husband. Daemon is the best gift, god could have given to me.

"I'm serious, Daemon. You're the best husband. Stop thinking about the forced engagement. I loved you, when I married you."

He just nodded. "I know you love me. But I feel so bad, I have the feeling, that I am even worse than your parents."

"Honey, you are really a smart man, but sometimes you're just so stupid, I get the urge to slap you." I rolled my eyes.

"You know your slaps don't hurt me." He chuckled.

I raised one brow, low key telling him not to challenge me. "Try me."

"Do you want me to be scared?" He held in a laughter.

I can't wait to hold my baby in my arms with Daemon by my side. Everything is so much easier with him, now that I love him, I can't even imagine my life without him. And I wanna give him so much more.

"I think we should eat." I thought out loud.

Daemon looked surprised, but then he probably realized, that he can't fight with me when I'm hungry, because I am pregnant... and hungry.

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