Chapter 13 - Half-past

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"Mom, dad I made a new drawing today." I shouted as I took my new drawing out. I always loved surprising my parents. I knew they love me as much as they love my brother.

"Sweetheart let me see." My mom said sitting on my bed. She would always be the one to come running to my room first. She always keeps thinking I love dad more then her but honestly I love them both equally. "It's so beautiful, who's this?" She asked pouting at the baby I drew.

"That's my little sister." I said smiling at her.

"You think the baby I'm carrying is a girl?" My mom asked laughing.

"Yes, I don't want another brother mommy."

"Okay then, I hope it's twins so you and your brother can be equal." My mom said "Who's this?" She asked pointing at the ugly boy I drew.

"Zayn mommy." I answered laughing.

"But, your brother doesn't look like this honey. Why don't you like your brother?" She asked.

"He calls me a baby mommy."

"Because he loves you honey, your brother loves you so much."

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course. You his only sister in the world."

"And Lucy." I added.

"Okay if it's a girl then we will name her Lucy." Mom said pointing at the next person on the picture. "So this is your dad and I?" She asked and I nod my head.

"Mommy if it's a boy can we name him Liam?" Zayn asked interrupting the conversation between my mom and I.

"If that's what you want the I'm fine with it."

"No, mommy. No Liam." I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Why honey, don't you like the name Liam?"

"Mommy she likes Aunt L's son." Zayn uttered laughing.

"No, I hate him mommy." I corrected him telling my mom the truth.

"Stacey and Liam sitting in the tree. Mommy how did it go again, I forgot." Zayn slapped his lips.

"Zayn leave your twin alone." Dad said getting in the room. "Now where is the picture your drew. You way smarter then your brother Stacey."

My mother quickly handed my dad the page.

"It's beautiful, this really looks like Zayn." My dad said laughing as Zayn grabbed to look at the page.

"Stacey, why do I look like you in your drawing?" Zayn question looking at me angry.

"You don't look like me, you ugly." I stated jumping out of the bed. "You and Liam are the same."

"Daddy, you going to invite Liam for our birthday next week right?" He asked my dad ignoring me standing in front of him.

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