Chapter 39 *An Angel is born*

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It's been six months since everything happened. Liam left me  and somehow I still love him, I pray everyday, for him to return but I guess that will never happen. I know six months is a long time especially when I am on lock-down. I refused to go out of the house unless it is for a check-up or to visit Lexie and my brother. 

I rubbed my tummy. Two more weeks, little boy and you will be introduced to this world. It is funny how my baby daddy made me believe his lies. I can't believe I was so stupid. I should've listened to Lexie when she warned me.

"Stacey, you really don't want to play with Conner?" Britney asked and I giggled.

"You don't need to ask me, you know I love your son more than I'll ever love you." She giggled at my words and I picked Conner up. "He is a perfect image of his father." I know the doctors, told me I am carrying a boy, but I wish I was pregnant with a girl. At least she won't be as stubborn as Liam.

"Are you calling my son ugly?" She questioned.

"You know Calum is handsome." I stated.

"Thank you beautiful." Calum gave me a kiss. "I got you girls the matric certificate and the fake identities." He handed us both our results. I know they fake but I am sure, I would've scored marks like this.

"I can't believe you didn't give me one A. Calum, why should I get D's and B's." Britney complained.

"I am sure, if you actually wrote the exams you would've got an F. So babes, be happy, I didn't give you an F." Calum replied and I giggled.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "But there is something I won't change and that is my identity." Britney stated. "Listen Calum, I must inherit all my parents belongings, I can't change my name."

"Britney, think about your life and not money." Calum said.

"Are you calling me a gold digger?" Britney shouted. 

"Can you keep it down, Connor is crying." I told them and Britney took him from me.

"I am sorry." She mumbled leaving with Connor. 

"Let me go talk to her and than we will talk about the new identities." I nod my head and Calum left.

Ever since Connor was born, two weeks ago, Britney and Calum have been fighting and I got used it. I just hope they stop with their silly fights before it becomes serious and they break up.

I dialed Lexie's number and she answered.

"Hey baby girl." Lexie answered.

"Hi. How are you and the baby?" I asked.

"Well, you do know your brother is a big baby and he is worst than the baby I am carrying." She replied and I giggled. Lex forgave Zayn a few months ago and they started dating again after I begged Lex to give him a chance as a boyfriend and not just her baby daddy.

"But you love him." I know I should be happy for my brother and her but I can't help being jealous. I know Zayn will be the best husband and father but there is a part of me that wished he was just my brother.

"I know." She said. "By the way, are you ready to push that baby of yours?"

"I am scared, Lex." 

"Don't be honey. I know you will push that baby boy you carrying." She hang up.

Lex : Sorry baby sis, I hang up because I need Lexie, I need to talk to her. You girls can hang out later.

I read the message. 

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