Chapter 14 - Police

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Stacey's POV.

He asked me the question everyone used to ask me in the orphanage. I don't like people knowing about my past. I don't want them to know the fact that I didn't do anything to save my family. It was all my fault. Maybe my brother would've bee--

"Angel, I asked you a question." I quickly looked at his eyes. I don't get the fact that his eyes were blue the day I was drunk, the night we slept together but now they brown.

I don't know why, but Liam being here just calmed me down. I don't know if it's because I'm in love with him, but something of him remains me so much about my childhood.

"Angel, they were murdered right?" He asked again but I quickly shook my head. I can't tell him anything, or he would lose it. "Then how are you an orphan?" He asked.

"I-I- killed them." I couldn't hold back anymore. It's the truth. I did kill them, I may have never pulled that trigger but I didn't anything to prevent it too.

My brother was the hero, not me.

"You didn't. Don't lie angel."

"I killed them Liam, I was the cause of their death. My baby sister, my twin, my mother and my father. It only took one night for my whole family t--" I couldn't continue anymore. I thought I finally moved on, but no everything is still fresh in my mind. I was seven and they didn't even have mercy on me. They didn't even at least make sure I wasn't watching.

"Angel, I'm sorry but crying doesn't help trust me I'm the cause of my own brothers death."

"Liam, we in big trouble come back in the class." Lexie said interrupting me before I asked Liam what he meant by killing his own brother.

"What happened." He asked grabbing my hand and quickly walking back to the class. I don't know how he is so sweet one minute and then his an asshole the next.

"Rex." Liam shouted.

Rex was on top of Calum. He kept punching him and chocking him.

"Stay out of it Liam." Rex said turning to look at Liam. Calum took that opportunity to throw Rex off himself.

Calum started punching Rex. I didn't even know Calum could be violent too. Mr Morris was just watching them not doing anything. Honestly he kept looking at Lexie and Liam didn't like it.

"Cheater." Rex said punching Calum back.

"Why don't you stop them Liam?" I asked holding my tears back. They were getting out of hand. If they carry on fighting one of them might seriously get hurt.

"Don't worry, they playing." Liam smiled moving to stand in front of Lexie because Mr Morris was the whole time looking at her.

"Liam, don't be childish again please." Lexie whispered to him. Calum and Rex was still beating each other up.

"You never learn Lexie. Should I kill him also?" Liam asked referring to Mr Morris.

"Don't you worry baby brother, you don't have to get your hands dirty again. I won't date again because I don't want you killing anyone because of me." Lexie said bitterly. I felt so sorry for her. She must be in her early twenties and Liam refused for her to date or he would kill them.

"MAY." Liam shouted and they both stopped fighting. "Are you brothers ever going to get along?"

"It's Calum, he doesn't want to admit that I beat his ass up every single time." Rex said fixing himself.

"God, I thought the play would never get over." Mr Morris said and everyone just laughed. Liam actually even laughed and it was beautiful to see him laugh without faking it.

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