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              Your point of view

I woke up to Phia pulling on my cheeks. "Hurry you're going to be late Y/n on the second day" I sprung up quickly at those words.

"My alarm didn't go off" I whined as I rushed around getting dressed. I ran to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth, washing my face, and doing my hair.

I grabbed my book bag and purse for Phia. I put some seeds in there for her as she flew in. I dashed downstairs and out the door.

I made it to the limo in time and quickly got in the car. I buckled up and Toni hit the gas driving me to school quick as heck.

I arrived in no time. I jumped out and thanked Antonio. I watched him drive off as Adrien walked up beside me. "Soo have you seen the new superhero Avi" he asked.

I smiled a bit. Boy have I, I am her. "Yeah she's cool" I nodded as we walked up the stairs and into the school. "Yeah I would love to meet her" he said with a grin.

"I want to meet Cat noir" I replied as we walked into class. I'll admit I did have a tiny crush on him after last night.

"Speaking of meeting people I wanna introduce you to some people" he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a girl with red tipped hair,the bluenette, and a guy with a red hat.

"Y/n this is Alya, Marinette, and Nino" he said pointing them out as they all waved at me. "Hi" I smiled showing off my bleach white teeth and waving. "You should hang with us some time" Alya said as Marinette looked at her with a slight pout.

I could sense she didn't like me so I just shook my head no. "Thank you so much but I have a modeling thing after school with Adrien's father" I said.

"I also have flute practice" I added. "Speaking of the flute did you guys see the new superhero, Avi" Alya said excitedly.

We all nodded our heads yes. "Well I've started a blog on her and it's bigger than the ladyblog, I call it bird watcher" she said loudly as she showed us the blog.

"I-I thought you admired Ladybug" Marinette stuttered. "Well I do but she was so mean to Avi and didn't really help catch the akuma" Alya said typing on her phone. "Well she does have a point" Nino nodded in.

Marinette pouted a bit more. "Maybe she just had an off day" Adrien added. Off day my butt she was super hurtful towards me I thought. "Yeah maybe" Marinette added. The bell went off before we could continue with the conversation.

I made my way to my seat only to notice Sabrina was back with Chloe. I shrugged my shoulders "At least they're friends again" I mumbled as class started.

A few minutes in to class a very loud noise was heard. I raised my hand quickly. "May I be excused" I asked as the teacher nodded and I rushed to the bathroom.

Phia flew out and looked at me. "Seems like another one Y/n" Phia mumbled. "Yeah you know what that means Phia wings out" I transformed quickly and walked out into the court yard.

I met up with Ladybug and Cat noir. "Well well look whose here if it isn't the person that make my heart soar" Cat noir said walking up to me as Ladybug glared in to the distance. "Not now kitty" I replied ringing his bell as he blushed.

Here we go.

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