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Your point of view

       I put on the twenty-third outfit that Mr.Agreste gave me. I did my normal thing on the run way. Cameras where flashing however I don't think these pictures were going to be published.

            "Great you're all done" Mr. Agreste called out as the pictures stopped. I nodded my head and walked to my dressing room.

            I closed the door and out popped Phia. "Y/n the painting" she cried out. Crap I forgot. "How are we gonna get to it we're in a whole other building" I asked looking at her.

        I started getting dressed in my normal clothing and wiping off the makeup. I gave her some sunflower seeds as I started to clean up.

"I got it" I yelled with my eyes sparkling. "We can come and visit with Adrien and then steal a picture of the picture whatcha think" I said telling Phia my idea.

She nodded her head "That could work" she mumbled as I picked her up and set her in my bag along with the seeds.

I nodded and walked out of the dressing room. I yawned a bit as I walked out of the building and made my way home.

Once I got there I dashed to my room and changed into my pjs. Phia flew out and looked at me. I yawned a bit more then pulled out the phone I forgot I had.

I clicked on Adrien's number. I looked at Phia and nodded. She nodded back. I hope this works I mentally begged before Adrien picked up the video chat.

"Hey Y/n" he said with a dorky grin. "Hey supastar" I said waving a bit. I started to take my nickname my dad gave me and gave it to Adrien.

He blushed a bit and rubbed the nape of his neck. "So how was the shoot" he asked as I could hear Alya and Nino flirting. "Really good it went by so quick" I replied.

Adrien nodded his head with a surprised look. "How was your double date" I teased giggling a bit. "Good....I-i mean it wasn't really a date" he said frantically. "Aww you got a crush on M-" just as I was about to say her name she tumbled into him.

"C-crap I'm so sorry Adrien" she stuttered with a deep blush. I laughed a bit trying to hold in my fan girl. She looked up and waved to me "Hi Y/n" she mumbled helping Adrien up.

I waved at her happily. "Hiiii" I said like a three year old. I'm glad she's starting to like me. Adrien got back to the phone with a light blush.

"Awww are you embarrassed that your crush touched you" I teased him watching as he just turned his head away. I giggled as he chuckled once we made eye contact.

I yawned again and Adrien noticed. "Get some sleep we can talk or hang out sorta tomorrow" he said looking concerned. I just met this boy and he's already a concerned mom for me.

I nodded my head and waved by to him before I hung up. I looked over at Phia to see her fast asleep with seed shells on one side of her. I laughed softly and cut off my lamp.

I laid down and got comfy before I went to sleep.

Adrien's point of view

I waved by to everyone as we walked out separate ways. They all went one way while I went the other. Mari insisted on coming with me but I told her my driver is around the corner.

She's such a good friend I thought as I walked behind a building. I opened my shirt and out came plagg.

"Plagg claws out I have to see something" I said transforming. Once I was finished I flipped my way over to Y/n's house.

I stood on her balcony thinking if I should tap on her door or not. She did say she wants to meet me well Cat Noir. I got up the courage and tapped on her door.

I heard her sleepy groan then there she was in a cherry blossom robe staring at me. Her eyes got super big as she looked at me. "C-cat" she stuttered our which was adorable. I didn't even know she could stutter.

"In the claws and tail baby doll" I said winking at her. I walked over to the rail and sat on it as she leaned on it and looked at me. "So what gives me the honor to meet you..there isn't an akumatized person near by is there" she asked concerned.

I shook my head "No just a good friend told me you wanna met me" I said smirking as I watched her look away embarrassed. "Really what friend" she asked looking back at me once she gained her normal self again.

I cracked for a minute then realized she doesn't know who I am so I could say my name. "Adrien Agreste" I nodded at her as her eyes got big. "No way the it boy of Paris got me a little appointment with the Cat" she said excitedly.

"Yeah he speaks fondly of you" I added I instantly wanted to face palm I can't tell on myself that I have a crush on her. "R-really" she stuttered not looking at me. Crap I couldn't tell if Y/n was happy or sad about that.

"Yeah how do you feel about him anyways" I added trying to seem like I don't care when really I was dying to know.

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