< trente - sept >

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       Your point of view

       He sounded just like Cat Noir he even used the nickname Cat picked out for me. "Wow you're really good I don't suppose your dad made you take lessons on that to0" I teased him.

       It kinda did freak me out that he could do that but I guess it was fairly cool. "No me and him are just such close friends I've picked up on it" he replied rubbing the back of  his head.

         I smiled as the ride ended and we stepped out of the seating carts. "Cmon lets get you home superstar before your dad kills me" I teased him some more. He nodded his head agreeing with me.

       We walked to his house were I hugged him goodbye. "I'll send Cat Noir to  walk with you" he hurriedly said. "Adrien it's bright outside I don't need him, it's like 5:30" I laughed a bit at the thought of needing a bodyguard. I left my original one in the US.

      "Fine I'll see you tomorrow" he said accepting defeat. I nodded my head and gave him a quick hug. He waved by then walked into his manor. I turned on my heels and started the walk home. I could always call Toni but I didn't want to have someone drive me around today.

       As I walked few blocks I heard what sounded like someone walking or swing around me. I stopped when I saw in front of me none other than Cat Noir. "Adrien sent you" I asked him with a small smile.

         "You know it my little rose"he smirked softly. Great now when I look at him I think of Adrien. "Well that's sweet but I don't need protecting" I laughed out continuing to walk. "B-but rose" he called out following me.

"No thanks Kitten" I replied taking a sharp left. I heard him pout a bit but then I felt arms around my waste. "What do you call yourself doing" I asked him as his baton started to lift us up. "Just making a flower delivery" he laughed.

I clinched onto him as the baton started to lean downwards. I swear if he drops me I'm kicking his butt as avi. Cat landed right on my balcony and set me down softly.

"I actually wanted to talk to you" he said calmly as he looked at me. I have to thank Adrien later for setting me up time with Cat Noir. "Yeah what's up" I replied.

"Just close your eyes rose please" he sounded distressed and confused but I did as he said.

Cat & BirdTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon