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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


As if being touched by flower petals, fingers glided across skin as though they would break the skin upon contact. Such fingers moved from skin to fabric as if the action was of the greatest skill to posses.

Entering the living room, she finally met his eyes. "The size ..."

"I guessed." She gave him a doubtful look, and he held up his hands in mock surrender. "I swear, (f/n). It was all guesswork." He did leave out the fact that he had stared at her enough in the past to make reasonable guesses as to what her sizes were.

"The clothes are just right." She stepped a little closer to him, but he didn't back up. If anything, he was tempted to move nearer to her, but he held his ground. "That's some guesswork." (F/n) crossed her arms. "When did you look?"

Maybe, it was out of character for Edmund to snag a glance at her clothing sizes, but she didn't understand how else he could've done it. Guessing right on point with her pant size was a little preposterous. At least in her opinion, it was.

"I didn't look. That would've been wrong of me unless you wanted me to look." His brow furrowed a bit. Did he seriously consider that a possibility ... Wait, did she think it to be one too? Heat crept up to her cheeks. (F/n) found that she couldn't deny it.

Awkwardly, she broke her stare with his. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Fine, you didn't." If she argued more, she would only get more embarrassed at that point. There was something else to note anyway. (F/n) spun on her heel. "But, you did match us on purpose!"

At her behavior, he couldn't help but emit a chuckle. "Yes, I did. It's not every day that I get to pick out your clothes for you."

She pursed her lips a bit before she broke out into a smile. "Well, you did also get me some suitable clothes for painting." (F/n) scanned over him again before she chuckled behind her right hand. Her eyes met his, and they were like glowing, beautiful gems. "But, you do look funny in such casual clothes."

(F/n) closed the distance between them and crouched in front of him. Her right hand moved to his left shoe and poked at it. "It's definitely a tennis shoe." Laughter hit her ears, and she felt her heart skip a beat. The low, relaxing tones in it really were refreshing. "Is there a dress shoe under it?"

"No." He shook his head amused and felt her poke at his foot again. "Like you, I wasn't about to paint in my regular clothes. Paint splattered on one of my favorite suits would ... Well, I wouldn't prefer it."

Standing back up, she quirked a brow. "All of your suits are the same, though." He seemed taken aback by that, but she only chuckled. "Hurting one wouldn't really do that much." A rough cough hit her ears, and her heart nearly jumped into her throat.

It was then that she realized how close they were to each other, and she had been the one responsible for that. Mentally, she cursed herself. His lips weren't even inches apart from hers. Despite the irked expression on his countenance, she couldn't prevent heat from touching her cheeks.

Framed Deception (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя