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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


Mint green coated black fabric, but the accident was hidden and disposed of. Such an occurrence couldn't be forgotten because of the end result.

Sitting on her living room couch, she leaned back into the cushiony surface and wrapped her arms around her legs. Her eyes shifted to her right and towards the kitchen trash can. The lid was closed. Within it, the mint green mess lived. It had been an accident even though it was reminiscent of what had happened last week.

At the time, she had been leaving the kitchen with the paint tray. There had been a considerable amount left, so she had been going to pour it back into the can. Edmund had been turning the corner unexpectedly, and the paint tray had met his chest. In the process, it had splattered all across his face and had dripped down his pants and onto his shoes.

Despite his reassurance, she had rushed out of her apartment after she had asked him his sizes. Meanwhile, he had gone to use her shower. When she had returned, he still had been in her bathroom. Then again, she had been away for about twenty-five minutes, and he had to wash paint out of his hair.

(F/n) sat upright when she heard the water turn off. She looked to her right again even though she couldn't see down the hallway and into her room, but she had left his replacement clothes there. Swiftly, she removed her gaze from that direction and rested her chin on her knees. Her teeth chewed on her lower lip lightly as she tried to get various images out of her mind.

Her attempt to distract herself ended up failing too since her mind traveled to the memory of her date with him a few days back. After they had finished the bottle of wine, Edmund had paid the check and tip and had given the restaurant a favorable review. That awful man and woman had drifted from their minds as they had switched dining locations to her apartment and had watched the 1963 version of Jason and the Argonauts. On the way there, they had stopped at a drive-through at the nearest fast food place per her request.

To her, those vanilla and strawberry milkshakes had tasted better than they ever had in the past. Probably, that had been due to Edmund and her switching shakes throughout the movie. The food hadn't been exempted from that policy either.

Warmth touched her cheeks all the more at the memory of him feeding her a French fry. She leaned her forehead against her knees and groaned lightly into them. (F/n) supposed that it was better than the alternative, which included too many drops of water and ... a towel slipping. Instantly, she cursed herself for reminding herself of the image.

A pout rested on her lips. She needed to move. (F/n) stood to her feet and walked towards the kitchen. All of her paused, however, when her bathroom door creaked open. Before she even processed what she was doing, her head turned in that direction.

By a little bit, he stepped out of the bathroom. His pitch black hair was slicked back by beads of water while a few strands hovered around his forehead and framed his face. Edmund glanced down and noticed the pile of clothing before he bent down and picked the items up.

Finding herself unable to avert her eyes, she steadily shifted her orbs from the droplets of water on his face and perfect lips to his torso. His chest and abs were sculpted to his form in an exceptional and natural way. Her jaw couldn't help but open a little as her cheeks felt like volcanoes erupting to dramatic classical music.

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