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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Grey metal pendant lights brightened up the place from the darkness of night. Two metal stools were pulled out from the counter, but only one was occupied.

Walking down the polished tiles, she somewhat slid across on her feet, and she stood a little behind Edmund. He remained quiet and didn't try to retrieve her hand back. Edmund was too calm for her liking, but he might also be worried and attempting not to display it. Perhaps, she should tell him that he had nothing to be concerned about with regards to her leaving him. That wasn't her intent in the slightest, but if she revealed that, he might not explain the whole situation to her. She desired the complete truth from him.

They stopped in front of the last door in the hall. He removed his keys from his right pocket and slipped the house key inside the lock. With a click, the door opened, and he indicated for her to head in first. Her feet remained where they were. A sigh parted from his lips before he entered his home. Hesitantly, she followed him in before he closed and locked the door behind them.

Noting her gaze pinned to the lock, Edmund held out his keys to her. She gave him a puzzled stare. "Take them if you're worried." Despite the simple gesture, it was much more than that. It was a test of trust, but she wished to hold onto the keys. Her right hand reached out some before it hovered a little bit away from the metal.

In the end, her hand dropped back to her side, and she shook her head. "No, it's fine. I just want ..."

He walked past her and finished her thought, "An explanation. I know, and I told you that I'm going to explain myself." Edmund unbuttoned his jacket and draped it on the coat rack by the left side of the door. "Take a seat in the kitchen."

"I ..." She was about to mention that she would be fine standing, but she would be lying. Given the circumstances, she needed a seat. "...Right." (F/n) entered the kitchen as Edmund flipped on the kitchen lights. Grey metal pendant lights hung over the center of the space, but they were high enough up that no one accidentally could run into one of them.

(F/n) pulled out one of the metal stools underneath the black granite countertop. She placed her water bottle on the counter before she seated herself. Her eyes scanned over the living room. Directly across from her was a large window with grey linen curtains pulled to the side. Another window was off to her left in the living room and had its curtains open too. Edmund was quick to untie and close them before he made his way into the kitchen.

Gaze shifting from the living room, she watched him open the black stainless steel fridge as he loosened his white tie. He was matching her again. Her eyes couldn't help but turn to his windows. He was right across the street from her. It was reasonable to assume that he could've been spying on her the whole time and seen her outfit choices before he had left his apartment each morning. An unpleasant shiver ran up her spine.

Hearing movement behind her, she couldn't stand having her back to him any longer. She shifted a bit so that she could watch him. He closed the fridge and grabbed a simple plastic blue cup from one of the cupboards. Edmund poured part of the bottle of sparkling berry water into the glass. "Would you like some?" he asked as his back faced her.

Framed Deception (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt