54 | i'd like that

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

I can't believe our last year
has started, it doesn't feel like it.

This first week has been a little
more calmer than last year,
but it's just the beginning. Are you prepared to take the bloody N.E.W.T.S?

I can already feel my stress levels
go up, and I can already see
myself in the library trying to stay awake. At least I'll have more help
and guidance.

I can't believe we're going to leave.
Everything will change,
you can't deny it won't, because
I know it will. I don't know if I should feel happy, or not.

Hey, have you seen Remus bruises?
Do you think he got into a fight
of some sort? I'm worried about him.
Especially after seeing all his scars.

So does the rest of our friends.
As for us, nothing has happened between the two of us. Just a couple of long looks, out hands brushing each other, and smiles. I can't tell you how much I love your smile.

I was having a chat with the girls,
and moving out of our home came up.
Wouldn't be exciting to live with
our friends? Having them as flatmates?

I'm considering it.
Jason already moved out with her girlfriend to a flat, so it wouldn't be
such a bad idea for me to do the same.

Have you consider something like that?
I know James is ready to
move out, sometimes he
talks about having is own place and blasting music all day.

Whatever you decide,
I hope we get to see each other regularly. I'd like that.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you tomorrow.



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