111 | from the bottom of my heart

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

This feels rather odd,
and I'm sorry.

I haven't wrote to you in so long,
I just couldn't. There were too many
memories and I was hurt, not by you, but by the present.

The reason I wanted to write to you was because you have escape Azkaban.
I suppose it's a rather strange continuation since the last letter, but many things have change.

You have no idea how much
I missed you, how much I wanted
to be there with you.

Our past did changed after all,
and it wasn't in the way we all imagined or hoped it would be. My heart still
aches to this day, it's not easy to forget.

I have so many things to tell you,
but I'm not sure if I should to it here
or wait to see in person. I hope that day comes soon, my love.

I haven't given up on you,
I need you to know that.
To this day I still try to fight for you
and make you a free man.

I know you're innocent.
You did not kill those muggles or Peter,
I know you didn't betrayed James and Lily, you would have died before betraying your friends, I know that.

People don't believe me though,
no matter how much I try to convince them that you were one of the best man I know. They just want to forget and
not bring the past. Well, too bad, because I'm still going to be trying.

I know it's silly to ask, but how are you?
I know you're staying in that place was far from pleasant, I know.
I hope my stuff got to you, I made myself friends with two of the cellars in the prison and plead them to give you what I sent. Of course, all in discretion, because apparently you can't give anything to the prisoners.

I took care of Harry, if you're wondering. After the incident, I fought for his custody, and he has been living with me every since. He is such a good boy, he looks just like James, but has Lily's eyes. Every time I see him, I can't help but imagine I'm seeing them again. It hurts.

I have something to tell you, but first,
I need you to know that this was not my doing, but my parents.

I'm engaged.
Yes, as crazy as it sounds.
But there's two problems. One, I don't love him, and two, he is not you.

You see, my father is dying, and the treatment he needs is very expensive. My parents have lost their business and they have no money, so in order to get some security financially, they made a deal with an old friend of theirs. So, now I'm engaged with his son, his name is Jasper.

I hate him, Sirius, you have no idea.
From the outside he might look like a decent man, but in the inside, he's the opposite. You wouldn't like him,
I know that for sure.

I have never been with him in a any way, because in my mind, we're still tougher. We're still boyfriend and girlfriend, no matter what has happen.

The night I discovered you were free,
the same feeling you gave me came rushing back. I know you're out there, watching over me. I will wait for you, because I still love you, and nothing
will change that.

There are so many things I want to tell you, but there will be time, there no rush. The reason I began today was because you visit me, I'm sure of it.
I know you were the one that left that purple rose in my doorstep, I know that from the bottom of my heart.

I still wear my necklaces, my bracelet and my ring. I don't leave home without them. They are the reminder of the beautiful people that loved me.

I hope you're safe, and I hope you have a plan that doesn't involve doing something stupid, please be careful.
I know that the Ministry is watching me, but I hope that you come to me if you need something.

I don't know how to make contact because I don't know where you are,
you know where I am, I just hope you reach out at some point. Everything
is like a dream, but I still haven't
decided what kind.

I hope I get to see you soon, Sirius.
I have missed you so much.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.
I love you.



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