89 | meliorism

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

These past months have had
their good and bad moments.

You know I always try to keep the positive side up all the time, but sometimes, there's isn't one.

Thank you for comforting me and being by my side at each moment,
I don't know what I would do
without you.

You want to know what I like about us? Besides that our initials are S & S, of course.

What I like the most about us
is that we try everything we can to see each other often, to make each
other laugh and to always put a smile
in our faces.

Despite everything, you still manage
to make me smile and laugh
(I suppose is a rather easy thing for
you to do, isn't Black?)

I have flashbacks sometimes,
because when we're suppose to be having a serious conversation, you make me laugh and I'm instantly back in school, where you made me laugh
during classes.

You are the light that I need, so please, don't turn off, ever.

I try to make you laugh too, of course, but I think you laugh more at my attempts than to the actual joke.
I'm sorry, I'm still learning, right?

I have been reading in my spare time, trying to distract myself, and I found
a peculiar word among a pool letters.


It means the belief that the world can be made better by human effort

I feel that,
and I wish everyone would
feel the same.

With dark times, dark moments
follow, but having meliorism might
just be the answer we all need.
The hope we all need to embrace
and persist in.

The little light of hope might evolve and become a ray, then it can grow bigger and bigger, until it consumes
all darkness.

Those thoughts might seem unrealistic, but you'll see. One day, we will not
have not be scared and intimidated.
One day we will not have to hide away and fight the dark, because the light is going to be so bright, it's going to
blind the dark side.

One day, my love,
our future will be safe and nothing
will ruin it.

Meanwhile, the fight will make us stronger, and better things will
come out of it.

Just hold on tight and breath,
because the ride is going to be turbulent.
But don't worry my love, I will hold your hand and endure it with you,
with everyone.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.



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