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"Where are you going?" Sasuke asked, his onyx eyes had been watching you all night.

Everyone had decided to stay upstairs and watch a movie to kill some time. There were still plenty more people left to show up, apparently.

"Downstairs. I need something to drink," you reasoned, trying to unlock the bedroom door.

"I'll get it for you," he stated firmly. "Stay here."

Just as he said that, you felt your phone vibrate.

Deidara: Hey qt where r u?

Konan: we're here!! where are you?

"It's okay Sasuke, she can handle getting a drink," Ino chimed in.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Sasuke nodded giving you the approval to leave. Not that you needed his approval to begin with, but since you were just starting to be friends, you didn't want to look rude.

"Hurry back, movie's starting," a finally awake Shikamaru yelled out as you left the room.

You walked downstairs to find that the crowd had only gotten bigger and the music had only gotten louder.

You were able to spot a bright blonde hair in the midst of the chaotic crowd, which undoubtedly belonged to Deidara. You pushed through the crowd of people to get to your blonde friend.

"Deidara!" you yelled over the music when you finally reached him.

"Y/N, hey!" he exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. "Look at you, eh? You look great."

You blushed as he pulled you over to the side, where his entire group was standing.

"Y/N!" Konan yelled in excitement. "Guys, this is her."

"Oh, what have we got here?" a very tall, blue haired man spoke. "I'm Kisame."

"She's eighteen Kisame," Itachi stepped in protectively.

"And?" Kisame questioned as if that were supposed to stop him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," a new face, with red hair spoke up. "Hidan took hours to do his hair."

"This is my bro, Sasori," Deidara introduced.

You sent the red head a sweet smile, which he surprisingly returned. He had a calm, innocent face and a really cute smile. It reminded you a lot of Gaara, who sadly wasn't able to come tonight.

"Kakuzu, stop drinking!" you heard Hidan yell. "We just got here."

"Shut up Hidan," the tan man stated aggressively.

Had you not been friends with the group, you'd probably find them intimidating.

"Kaku- Oh Y/N!" Hidan exclaimed, leaning in to place a kiss on your cheek. "You look like a snack."

"Woah, relax with the smooching Hidan," Deidara interrupted, pulling you farther away from his slick friend. "After all, she's your sis-in-law."

"What's that you said Deidara? Sorry, I just can't hear lies," Hidan snorted.

"I never agree with Hidan but this might be something we actually agree on," the tan man, Kakuzu stated. "You have no chance with the girl, Deidara."

"Enough, you all look idiotic fighting for a girl who's already spoken for," Pein interrupted.

"Yea, by me," Deidara stated, stubbornly.

"She came with Sasuke yes, but she isn't spoken for," Itachi spoke up.

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