Twenty Six

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Twenty Six

"It's a very steep hill, so everyone be really careful," Konan warned, in a serious tone.
"That means no drinking, Kakuzu!" Hidan yelled, taking a pre-rolled blunt out of his pants pocket.
"Don't smoke that you lightweight!" Deidara exclaimed. "I don't wanna end up taking care of you again."
"Why don't you eat a dick, Deidara?" Hidan suggested, irritably. "And I'm not a lightweight."
"What about that time last year when you kissed-"
"Fine! I won't smoke it!" Hidan interrupted, panicking. "Just shut your mouth!"

Who could he have kissed that was so terrible? It was definitely something that peaked your interests.

"Y/N, guess what Hidan did last year?" Deidara asked you, with a mischievous grin.
"Deidara! Don't!" Hidan quickly placed his hand over his blonde friend's mouth. "Don't even think about it."
"Hibab klled a bual!" you heard Deidara's muffled voice say.
"What?" you asked, curiously. "Use sign."
"Sign?" Hidan asked, confused about what you were referring too.

Deidara took this chance to move his fingers quickly and spell out the sentence for you using sign language since he still hadn't learned the words yet. At this moment, you were secretly glad that you had taken the time to teach Deidara the alphabet in sign. Even though he didn't take Language.













"He kissed a boy?!" you exclaimed, completely astonished to hear about this new side of Hidan.
"What?!" Zetsu chimed in, sharing your astonishment.
"Okay, but I was both drunk and high!" Hidan whined, making excuses for his actions. "Y/N, don't believe him!"

When he realized that nothing he said could make his friends look at him the same, he tried out another tactic.

"Well one time, Deidara got drunk as fuck at the strip club and started grinding on a poll because he thought it was a girl!" Hidan blurted out.
"Oh my god?!" Tayuya giggled, amused by the show, much like the rest.
"HEY!" Deidara shouted, looking absolutely mortified. "YOU MADE OUT WITH THE SAME POLE ON THE SAME NIGHT IDIOT!"
"OH MY GOD!" Tayuya was now wheezing, unable to control her laughter.

Neither could you or anyone else, for that matter.

After what happened to be a couple of minutes of walking in silence, someone finally decided to speak up.

"I wanna be on Shisui's team," the redhead from last night, called out.
"There are no teams.." Pein deadpanned. "We're just hiking."
"Oh," Karin mouthed in disappointment.

As malicious as it may have been, you felt a little too much pleasure in seeing the redhead upset. Stop thinking like that, you scolded yourself. But, was it so wrong for you to dislike someone who constantly threw themselves at the one guy you didn't want to share? Wait, what? Why would you have a problem sharing Shisui, if he wasn't even yours, to begin with?

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