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Sasuke had heard everything.

And for once in his life, he was unable to control his feelings. They were all over the place, which angered him even more. He had to get out of here before he ended up doing something irrational.

He quickly walked back to where TenTen's car was parked, only to find all four members of the group already there.

"Sasuke, what the hell was that about?" Kiba asked. "Are you crazy?"

"Yea why'd you do-"

"That man.." Sasuke muttered to himself, completely blinded by anger. "He's her fiancé."

"What?!" TenTen asked, shocked along with Hinata.

"No.. that can't be.." Naruto whispered to himself, also shocked. "No. She can't be engaged."

"He's forcing her to marry him," Sasuke informed. "And Kimimaro isn't her bodyguard, he just keeps an eye on her. They control her, and I suspect that her Dad's a part of this as well."

"Oh my god.. poor thing," TenTen said sympathetically. "To think she was going through that all this time, and we never even knew."

"I- I'm gonna kill that guy!" Naruto yelled, making his way towards the entrance of the house.

"No!" Sasuke said, pulling him back. "If you go there, he might hurt her."

"Well I can't just let her marry the guy, she's only 18!" Naruto argued, pissed off.

"Naruto's right, we can't just watch our friend's life get ruined," TenTen agreed.

"Of course we're going to help her," Sasuke stated, determined. "But we're going to have to wait and find out more if we have a chance at saving her."

"Alright how do we do that?"

"I have a plan."

* * *

Finally, you were free! You were free after so long of being held captive in your own home. Orochimaru didn't want to see you cry, therefore he agreed to let you stay home alone without Kimimaro's company. He even agreed to let you have friends over, no matter who it may be.

You were just dying to talk to all your friends in a safe environment, but before you could think about any of that, the sudden ringing of the doorbell startled you.

You quickly walked down the stairs and opened the door to reveal.. Shisui.


But the rest of your words were muffled into his muscular chest. After what seemed to be the most blissful minute of your life, he finally released you from his warm embrace. As he let you go, you subtly took in his mesmerizing aroma.

You missed him. You missed everything about him. His smile and the cute dimples that followed right after, him walking you to all your classes, him asking you about your past, him telling about his future.

"I missed you," you said, your voice cracking due to the overwhelming emotions that were now taking over you.

"I just came over because I.. I don't know actually," Shisui began to say, nervously. "I just haven't seen you in so long because of my college courses and presidents club and Kimimaro."

Shisui had been to your house only a couple times before, to help you study for Math, which you sucked in. And to also bring you any class notes that you may have missed on the days that you were absent. Of course all his visits were carefully monitored by Kimimaro, then reported back to your dad and Orochimaru. But, you were glad that this time it was just him and you alone.

"I'm glad you came, because Kimimaro is gone for the day!" you exclaimed, pulling him into your house and shutting the door.

"Oh that's good, I don't he likes me very much," he said, taking a seat on the couch.

"No he's just a little.. controlling," you replied. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Nah I'm good, I only came to see you," he said, sending you that smile of his.

His smile was probably your favorite one in the whole world, aside from your Mother's. At least based on the pictures you saw of her in those old family photo albums.

"Really? Were you worried for me?" you asked, chuckling.

You plopped yourself on the couch, beside him. You could finally say that you felt happy, after such a long time. It was just something that Shisui was able to do, to everyone.


"I lied," Shisui confessed, interrupting you.

"What?" you asked, confused.

He slightly moved his body so he could face you, while his arms were resting on top of the couch. He then ran his fingers through his dark, unkempt hair probably searching for the right words to say.

"I came to see you because- I'm just gonna say it, okay?" he said, the nervousness was clear in his voice.

Shisui Uchiha was nervous? That's a first.

"Okay, tell me," you urged, curiously.

"I have no idea why, but I keep thinking about you and it's really weird," he said, waving his hands around.

It was such an adorable habit of his, unconsciously moving his hands around while he was talking. One time in Psychology, he ended up accidentally hitting Itachi on the face and it was absolutely hilarious.

"Well me too, it's because we miss hanging out-"

"No.. It gets difficult to focus in class. I just think about everytime you make that face when you're confused and it's really fucking cute," he confessed, blushing a little.

"What? What face?"

"And when you hug me, you leave this scent on me, which smells really good. And when you sneakily eat in class because you didn't have time to eat breakfast. And when you blush after you get caught. And I just can't get your voice out of my head. I don't know what to say, I'm all over the place," he babbled, chuckling at himself.

You looked at him with a slight clue of what he was trying to say but you were still a little unsure. He let out a long sigh.

"I think I love you."


"I felt it the minute you told me how hard it was for you to leave Nepal. A country that was completely broken because of an earthquake, yet you still wanted to stay. And.. that showed me who you were inside and I must say, I have never met anyone more beautiful than you."

You took a minute to process everything he had just said. Was he being serious? Did he mean it?

"This is so sudden.. I don't know what- I just.."

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything," he said, taking your hand in his. "I'm not forcing you to say anything, okay? You do whatever you need to do. Travel, be a nurse, save the world. I'll still love you."

You could feel tears threaten to spill from your eyes. You truly needed to hear that. Especially, after the past couple of months when you had been nothing but a business deal. When your feelings had been neglected as if you weren't even alive. When your room was filled with expensive presents but not even a single bit of love. When you were held prisoner from the man who you'd be spending the rest of your life with.

All your life, you had been a lot of things to people: a brat, an orphan, a rich girl with rich people problems. However, you had never been someone's loved one. Someone's something valuable. Someone's everything. So you wondered, is this what it felt like, to be loved for who you really are and not for what you look like? To be valued as a person and not as an object? Is this what it felt like to be in love?

"Thank you Shisui, thank you so much."

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