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*Rosemary's POV*

-Flashback(year 2014)-

"Oh my god Harry, thank you!" I hugged him.

"Rose, it's nothing. My sisters the manager, remember?" He said smiling down at me, although I could barely see him as we walked in between street lights.

"I know, but still, you got me a job at one of the biggest publishing companies in the country!" I hugged him again."Thats a pretty big deal!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. But I guess that makes me the best friend in this world, huh?" He asked laughing. I just rolled my eyes and smacked him in the back of the head. "What was that for!?" He rubbed his head.

"For being annoying, but yes, you ARE the best friend in the world."

"I know." He smirked, I just rolled my eyes again. In the distance, we heard a scream.

"What the hell was that!?" Harry asked, wide eyed. I didn't respond, I just took off running to where the sound came from. Harry trailing close behind. To my left, I heard crying. 'Of course, of bloody course, the girl HAS to be in an ally late at night, that just how it works huh?' I thought to myself. In the faint moonlight, I could make out two people. One being much taller than what I assumed was the girl that screamed. He-I assumed it was a guy, based on his height and shoulders- was holding her wrist up to his mouth. He was covering her mouth with his other hand.

"Hey! Get away from her" i yelled to the mystery person. He released his grip on the girl, and she collapsed to the ground. I ran passed the guy and to the girl. I saw that she was covered in blood and barely breathing. "Harry!" He was soon at my side, "shes lost alot of blood, call th- what on earth is that?" I looked to her wrist, the wrist the person had in his mouth. But what was there was no ordinary bite mark. It looked as if she had been bitten by a large snake.

"Snake bite? That would explain why that crazy guy had her wrist in his mouth.You know, suck out the venom." Harry guessed. I just shrugged. "We need to get her to a hospital, and fast." I nodded and helped Harry lift her up.

"Now, where do you think you are taking her?" A deep voice asked, I noticed an Australian accent. He stepped close enough to me so I could see his face. To say he was attractive would be an understatement. He had perfectly quiffed blonde hair. His height, it was the greatest thing about him, he had to be over six feet. His dimples were on full display as he was smirking at us. And his eyes, they were a perfect shade of red. Wait, red!?

"R-red." Was all I could say in my shocked state. I backed up, only to run into Harry carrying the girl. Harry only looked confused until he noticed the boys eyes. The boy only smiled evilly at us, and just like that, disappeared along with the girl. "What the actual bloody hell is g-" I was interrupted by Harry screaming and collapsing. I rushed over to him to find that he appeared unharmed. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Why did you scream? You scared the crap out of me!" He looked at me suspiciously. I raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you?" He asked. I laughed, and helped him stand. I took out my phone, but it was dead. Weird, I just charged it.

"Ok, we need to get to the bottom of this. That guy and the girl disappeared." I told him. He had a confused look on his face.

"What are you talking about, what girl, what guy? And who ARE you?" He seemed serious.

"Harry, are you nuts? It's me, Rosemary. I'm kinda your best friend." I tried to jog his memory.

"Umm, I think I would remember my best friend, now please leave me alone." He started to walk out of the ally. "Crazy." I heard him say under his breath.

"What just happened?" I asked myself, out loud.

"Well, it was the start of the rest of your life Rosemary." I heard that Australian voice say from behind me. I quickly turned around, but to my surprise, his eyes were a crystal blue now. "The names Luke, and I'm gonna warn you for this-"

I cut him off," How do you know my name, and how are your eyes blue now?"

"All in good time Rose, all in good time. Now, i want you to look into my eyes, can you do that?" i, out of stupid curiosity, nodded my head. i strained my neck due to the fact that he was a giant. He looked at me in a way that seemed as if he was staring into my soul. i watched as his eyes changed from a shimmery blue to a forest green. "Now," Luke said," you are gonig to do exactly as i say. Do you understand?" I felt myself nod before my mind could process what was happening. "Good. Your directions are very simple, forget the past twenty four hours." I nodded yet again,"And, one last thing," he smirked, "sleep."

All i saw was darkness.

i awoke to a searing pain in my wrist. i opened my eyes to see two marks on my wrist. They looked like a large snake bite. i sat up and realized that i was on a bed in an unfamiliar room. i took in my surroundings. A room with black walls, a white bed and desk, and a wooden door. i looked around for my phone, but it was nowhere to be seen. When i stood, i got extremely dizzy. But i managed to make my way to the door. it revealed a long hallway.Stepping out,i noticed there were wodden doors similar to the one in the room i woke up in. There were two on the left, three on the right, and one at the other end of the hallway, facing the one i was in. On four of the doors, there were single letters carved into the wood. To my left, i saw that the two doors had the initials A and L. To my right, i saw that only one door had a letter, C. The last door, at the end of the hall had the letter M on it. i opened one of the unmarked doors in hopes of finding a bathroom. Luckily, i found it behind the first door i opened. After washing the blood off of my arm, i found a bandage for my wrist. the medicine cabinet, which was behind the mirror, was left open by who knows. There was a relatively new looking brush on the top shelf, so i grabbed it and closed the cabinet. When i looked in the mirror to brush my hair, my heart stopped.

"Wha-What?" was the only coherent thing i could say. My once hazel eyes were now a bloody red.





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