A drop in the ocean

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He knew everything, it was crazy, he knew just what to do. And waking up next to him was like a dream. He was so adorable asleep next to me. I could see why all of his fans loved him so much. He could have much better than me. I get up and put on my undergarments before going into the kitchen to make breakfast. I smiled softly as i hum a soft tune.

His arms wrap around my waist as he nuzzles his face into my neck kissing my neck softly, "Good morning" he whispers softly

I smile and lean against his chest, "good morning to you too" i say softly.

"Ya know the one thing that could make this moment even better?" He says with a smirk

I wait for his response which comes shortly after. He places a hand on my back beginning to unhook my bra, "if these were off" he says but i catch my bra keeping myself covered against what Jack was wishing for.

"Alright" i giggle fixing myself, "I don't think we're close enough to do that" i say with a giggle as i turn to see he's wearing his jeans but has no shirt on.

"Why not?" He asks a little upset

"So far this has only been a two night stand" i say with a shrug

"But isnt that better than most?" He whines

I sigh and place the food on the plates, "yea but we know nothing about each other!" I say rolling my eyes as i hand him a plate of food

He takes our plates and puts them on the counter, before grabbing my waist and pulling me closer, "well how about we get to know each—" Jack starts to speak but a loud knock on the door interrupts us.

Panicking i drag him into my room and grab a baggy shirt to throw on as i go to answer the door.

I open the door to see the one person i did not want to see right now, "you didn't answer any of my calls so i thought I'd come check on you!" Charley says, she was like a mom to me but was always nosy. She walks in and starts looking around, "i thought something might have happened to you! But i guess not" she says with a shrug, "but the food smells amazing do you have any extras to share darling?" She asks as she starts to walk towards my room

"No!" I panic, "n-no Charley i dont have any extras i made just enough for myself" i say which causes her to walk back to me.

"Well you dont mind if i stay for a little now do you?" She asks with a smile as she sits on my couch

I stay silent for a moment fiddling with my hands, "A-Actually Charley" i start to say before my bedroom door opens and Jack walks out.

He sees Charley and sees me before realizing he just caused a shit ton of trouble.

"Oh! Now who is this hunk of a man!" Charley says shocked as she smirks

"Charley this is Jack.... Jack this is a woman who is like a mom to me, Charley" i say with a sigh as i face palm

"Oh im so sorry for not being well dressed" Jack apologizes as he shakes Charley's hand

Charley merely smiles, "oh no need to apologize!" She says

"Jack... i told you to wait in my room why are you out here?" I ask

Jack smirks and points to me, "i kinda need my shirt.... which you're wearing" he says with a chuckle

I facepalm once again, "i-i'm sorry... can you manage a little without it?" I ask covering my face so they couldnt tell i was blushing

"Well you two seem busy so I'll leave, next time just make sure you answer my calls or call me back?" Charley says as she gets up and walks up to the door.

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