I'll be okay

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~5 month time skip from the last chapter~

She was so pathetic curled up in a ball in the corner every time i even opened the damn door. Blood drenching her torn and tattered clothes, the tears were so bad from how i tortured her she was barely covered, but i didnt mind that, the more exposed she was the better, if i felt like it i would tie her down to my bed... and well... you can guess what happened next. Her hair was matted and clumped together in chunks from the blood drying.

In the past five months Anti started out believing me when i told him i didnt know what happened to Y/n, he believed me for the first 3 months, but now i can tell he's beginning to question me, he's at my place more often always trying to find a way to find her.

At the moment we were roaming around town and he seemed to just be in a funk, "whats on your mind" i say with a sigh

"It doesnt matter" he answers dully

"It does matter Anti, i know we didnt get a long because of Y/n but im still your brother, you can tell me anything" i say as i place a hand on his shoulder comforting him

"How about we just go back to your place and have a couple of drinks... maybe that will help" he says looking away

"God you definitely have been wanting to stay in the house a lot, especially mine" i say with a chuckle, "we can drink at my place but you have to go out and get some fresh blood on your hands tonight alright?"

He nods slowly and we walk back to my place. Before i know it he's practically drinking everything in my house.

I shake in fear as i slowly begin pulling out the the sharp almost needle like blade from my skin. I do my best to be silent, if he heard me I'd be dead. I then begin removing the nails from the palm of my right hand slowly as everything rings and throbs, the world spinning as i yank them out.

As i finish i begin untying my legs before I hesitate to stand, this wasn't a good idea. Blood pours down my skin leaving puddles with ever step i take.

I manage to make it to the door. I open it as swiftly as possible to keep it from squeaking. I realize im right by the stairs to go down into the living room. I do my best to slowly step down them leaning against the wall for support the whole time.

I hear soft chuckles of a voice I hadn't heard in so long. Adrenaline fills my blood and all pain leaves my body as i open the front door quietly and slip through it before dashing out, not even bothering to close the door. I run as far as possible, my legs feel like lead and my lungs are on fire but i dont stop until i feel as though i might be safe. I reach near town square and before i can stop myself my legs give out and my head makes contact with the ground.

I wake up screaming as i hold my chest tightly, my nightmare... it was burned in the back of my brain, his hands digging into my throat, it felt so real. I look around holding my head that was now throbbing. Im a wooden house, the way it was built it reminded me of the lord of the rings, the hobbit houses but for tall people, it was all natural tree and very circular, everything was nicely decorated with books and bottles of powders and liquids.

Slowly i get off of the soft and comfortable bed i woke up in. All my injuries are bandaged up and makes it hard to walk as i realize i cant bend my right leg. I hobble around listening for any sound of the one who saved me. I soon find myself standing behind a man with blue and green hair that was messy and pulled up into a bun. The man was humming a soft tune

"I know you're there" he says softly his voice majestic and almost like a song with its soft but vibrating tones.

"S-sorry... are... are you the one who bandaged me up?" I ask

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