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Anti comes to check in on me and wraps his arms around my waist swaying me back and forth as he begins kissing my neck, "they're annoying" he whines softly in my ear nuzzling close to me

"You brought this on yourself" i growl at him.

He sighs and pulls me closer if it was even possible, "i love you" he whispers softly as he kisses my neck

"At least you're passionate" i hear the voice of my mother growl as she stares at the two of us in disapproval.

Anti stops but keeps his hands wrapped around me holding me close.

"But honestly you really think that little whore is gonna be pleased with that?" She says with a glare

"Tiffany please stop" i ask her, i rarely called her mom, after the incident

"No im warning him because i don't believe that you've gotten better, i think he's just another relapse after David!" She says as she begins to get a rude attitude, "Sean, she ran away because she was in love with someone, she then proceeded to lie about what happened when we found her" she lies with a fake sympathetic tone

I can tell that Anti was getting angry by the way he was digging his fingers into my waist, "Tiffany please can we not talk about this, it always causes a fight" i say with a sigh

"No he needs to know that he cant cling to you thinking you're something special and you'll love him forever" she says rolling her eyes

Tears sting at my eyes as im reminded of the incident I desperately wished to forget. I sigh giving up on brushing the subject to the side, "why dont you ever believe me, i even told you i was gonna go spend the night at a friends, and she even thought i was as well.... i didnt even know David before then" i say with a sigh

Anti looks at us both confused

"Oh bullshit you wanted any reason to leave" she growled back

"Do you ever listen! I honestly don't remember anything! I remember waking up in a trunk hog tied! Thats the first thing i could remember! I could give you detail by detail of what he did and yet you think i just lied about it all!" I yell frustration

"You're just a little whore who only wanted to get away from her home" she growls

I push Anti away uncomfortable by his touch as the memories begin to flood in, "even the report proved it Tiffany! He raped me and tortured me for months on end and yet you insist that i was only lying to cover my ass!" I yell, "if all you're gonna do is start a fight then you both can leave!" I yell as tears begin to slowly slip out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"You'll always be the same worthless child you've always been!" She growls before grabbing Ryan and storming out.

I immediately walk out of the kitchen and into the bathroom locking myself in it as i sob.

I sob for what feels like forever, it was only fifteen minutes but as i walk out Anti looms over me his stature threatening but his face filled with worry as he pulls me close. I practically collapse in his arms sobbing, "this is all your fault! Why can't you just pretend to care for once! Why cant you listen and take the fucking hint!" I yell as i pound my fist on his chest.

Anti simply begins to shush me and whisper sweet nothings into my ear

"T-take it away..." i say softly, "please... take this pain away.... i dont want to be in pain anymore, im done with hurting! Im done with feeling anything" i sob into his shoulder

Anti pulls away and gently grabs my chin lifting my head up as he wipes away my tears, "we should just kiss like real people do" he sings a song that i loved softly. He gently kisses me drowning in the moment. He hasnt been this gentle or even this kind ever since i found out who he really was.

I push away confused, "Anti" i pause asking for his attention, he looks at me worried, "how come thats when you stopped caring?" I ask,

he simply looks at me confused tilting his head slightly

"You cared about me until i realized you weren't Jack you were you, but you would think you would still act the same right... just different people..... and yet you became controlling... as if.... you thought I'd run just because you're a demon...." i blabber falling deeper into the realization

Anti sighs and kisses me, "maybe you should just stop talking" he says softly as he picks me up holding me close as he carries me to my room. He sits me down on the bed as he leans down brushing hair out of my face, "so.... do you want me to rid you of your pain?" He asks softly

I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer as i rest my head on his shoulder, "please" i whimper softly in his ear. My thoughts were clouded and i can't get rid of the ache in my heart. I knew he would get rid of the pain or at least he would distract me from the aching pain.

He smirks as he pins me down beginning to have his way with me already.

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