Chapter 1 | The Golden Sarcophagus

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"Ladies and gentlemen and girls gather around because for what you about to see is beyond everyone's expectations. Behind this door is something that no one has ever seen before. After several years hidden from the public eyes, our museum has finally decided to exhibits one of many mysteries of the universe." The tour guide unlocks the door using a thumbprint scanner.

"Before I grant you all permission into this exhibition, I was told to explain the importance of not touching anything that is being displayed. This exhibition is believed to be cursed, and each item that you're about to see has its own story to tell. Our team of anthropologists managed to get important pieces of information from the ancient text that was buried together with the sarcophagus." The tour guide smiled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, The Golden Sarcophagus." The tour guide finally pushed the door open and let the tourists admire the room from the outside before giving them permission to enter. Among the many tourists that joined this tour, the tour guide managed to notice a figure he recognised.

"It is nice to see you here yet again, Evangeline." Evangeline Odin smiled at the tour guide and also an old friend of her parents.

"My mother would've been so proud to see her hard work finally being recognised by the museum. But, it all happened after her death. It's a bummer than she didn't get to see it for herself." Evangeline sighs.

"I'm sure she's enjoying it wherever she is now. Anyway, you only manage to see some of the artefacts from the Golden Sarcophagus collection, correct?" Evangeline nods.

"There is some artefact that I haven't seen before. Is it new?" The tour guide shakes his head no.

"To ensure the exhibition success, the curator decided to include a few artefacts that haven't been examined yet. Miss Kingston wasn't happy at all because of the value of it alone cost so much." Evangeline look around the exhibition hall for Miss Kingston.

"If you're looking for her, she's currently not available. Besides, why should she be here?" Evangeline was confused.

"But this is her project. She should be here," the tour guide shakes his head.

"The curator decided to put your late mother's name on the brochure and introduce this exhibition as a tribute for her passing. Miss Kingston's name is nowhere to be found anywhere. She wasn't mad for it since Miss Kingston looks up to your mother and the work she had done. But when she knows it's to attract more tourists and historians to the museum, she is not happy." Evangeline can't believe how manipulative the new curator is.

"Using a dead person name for his personal gain, he is such a despicable human being." As soon as Evangeline said that, she saw the curator walks into the exhibition hall with a huge smile plastered on his face. Evangeline excuses herself and struts around to see the exhibition herself. She was particularly interested in seeing the sarcophagus with her own eyes.

"What a beauty she was," Evangeline was surprised when she heard a giggle. She looks around and wonders where it came from.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Evangeline was totally shocked when a man suddenly standing beside her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to creep on you like that." The man smile at her gently. Evangeline was this close to fallen for him just for his smile, but once again she heard that mysterious giggle. She turns to the man, but he doesn't seem to hear it.

"Did you hear that?" The man was confused.

"Hear what?" He asked Evangeline back. For her own good, she let it go and continue to walk around the hall to see the exhibits.

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