Chapter 6 | Family

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Imperia was led across the hallways of a gloomy but beautiful villa filled with obscene artefacts and oddities.

"Seems like your mistress is a fan of macabre art. She has a few magnificent collections in her possession." Imperia admires the art along the way until the werewolf stops in front of a door.

"Whatever you see or hear, vampire, please, do not judge my mistress. She's different than her exterior." As the werewolf push the door open, Imperia was greeted by a strong scent of human blood and also piles of human remains on top of each other, dead.

Imperia raised an eyebrow before she enters the room together with the werewolf.

"Mistress, you have someone wish for an audience." The werewolf bows his head low as he speaks. Imperia watches him with curiosity.

"An audience? With me?" Imperia turns her attention to the left when she felt a sudden presence appeared out of nowhere.

"What a tremendous power you have, vampire. Do you wish to be in my clan? I'll make sure that you will have the best of everything if you do in exchange for your power and wits." Imperia was disappointed and find it funny at the same time.

"And here I thought I might find someone worthy to be my allies. But all I got is a young vampire who can't even control her own lust of blood. Tell me, 'leader', how many gallons of blood do you consume in one day?" The mistress shrugs and she looks around the room.

"Who are you to judge me? They cure my quench for blood and humans are everywhere, breeding like insects. Don't worry about any decrease in population when it comes for their kind." Imperia sighs.

"So young and naive. A true leader would be able to control her of his desire for blood like a champ. For example, I only had a glass of fresh blood for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may not hear about this before but ... if a vampire consumes this much blood in one day, you'll die faster even though you're basically already dead." Everyone in the room laughs at Imperia.

But not Elizabeth. She observes how Imperia brings herself in front of her. Elizabeth wipes the excess blood from her mouth and wonders to herself, who is this mysterious vampire.

"For a clanless vampire, you don't smell like any other rogue we've encountered before. Every creature has its own scent but not you. Who are you, and what are you doing in my territory?" Elizabeth finally shows Imperia why was she worthy of being a leader of a clan.

Imperia smiled as she witnesses how tremendous Elizabeth's aura is.

"My name is Imperia Luna." Elizabeth's eyes widen.

"You're joking. I know you are. I heard that the legendary vampire was buried alive after she was exiled for misusing her position as the queen." Imperia shrugs.

"Oh, really? That was the story they came out with? Why don't they just used the real reason for exiling me? That is to make Baracus as the new king of Gotus?" By now, even those who were feeding off of a human turn their attention to Imperia.

"How dare you talk about the king in such a manner?!" Elizabeth was about to punish Imperia, but something forbids her from moving. It's like as if she not in control of her own limbs anymore.

"What ... What is happening?!" Elizabeth asked in panicking tone.

"Whatever you're feeling right now is normal whenever you're in the presence of a pureblood." Every single one of the vampires in the room gasps as they are blessed with Imperia's presence.

"A pureblood? I refuse to believe that you're the real Luna." Imperia takes a step forward and just like that Elizabeth's legs betrayed her. The werewolf was surprised to see his mistress suddenly on her knees in front of a stranger.

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