Chapter 14 | Unsettling Feelings

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"Why are you doing this? Tell me, Imperia!" Keres shuts the door before Imperia could walk out. Imperia sighs heavily before facing her advisor with nonchalant stare.

"Because it's the only way to save my mother. Do you think I like being boss around by a devil? Once I have my mother in my care, I will make sure that they know who the real Imperia truly is." Imperia opens the door.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a devil." Keres finally let Imperia through the door but with worried thoughts.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. She's wise enough to know what is right and what is wrong. We both know Imperia would never let anyone look down on her. Now, we should be focusing on matter the most. What should we do about those wandering rogue werewolves? It wouldn't be safe for anyone in this household if they decided to cause us troubles." Keres pinch the bridge of her nose before facing Hotep.

"We need labourers. Why not capture and make them work for food? Do I have to do everything myself?" Keres sighs before walking past Hotep whom taken aback by Keres's response.

"Are you coming or not?" Hotep rolled her eyes as she follows Keres.

Meanwhile, it didn't take long for Imperia to arrived at a fancy restaurant where the devil should be waiting for her. She was greeted by the host and finally being lead to her supposedly date.

"You really took your sweet time coming here. I am starving!" Lacrimosa face the host.

"Where is my waiter?" She asked rather rudely. The host bows before waving for the waiter.

"I'm sorry for the delay, my lady. He will be here promptly." The host bows yet again before excusing himself.

"That kind of attitude wouldn't do you any good." Imperia simply said as she gets comfortable.

"I've been treating everyone the same way and look at where it got me?" Lacrimosa smiled at the vampire insincerely.

"Trust me. It will only bring you so far. I have live long enough to know which way is suitable to make yourself look like a decent ruler. With the way you talk and treat the people around you, only time will know how it will affect you in a long run." Lacrimosa laughs.

"I don't need to listen to a queen with no subject to rule over, such as yourself." Lacrimosa banter but Imperia just think of it as a form of reminder.

"Suit yourself. Who am I kidding. A devil such as yourself would never know how to be a decent creature. I'm pretty sure you've been sleeping around just to get your subordinates to follow orders." It took everything inside Lacrimosa to suppress her anger towards the vampire.

When the waiter arrived, Lacrimosa decided to order their food and forbid Imperia from saying a word to the waiter. She even took the liberty to choose their drinks for the night.

"Is this how you would act with all of your dates? If that's so, it explains a lot why you're still single." Lacrimosa stabbed the table with a steak knife with a sigh.

"My personal life is none of your business, vampire." Imperia shrugged her shoulder as she takes a sip from the glass of water.

"It's not really ethical for a vampire to drink a glass of water. Where's the blood?" As soon as Imperia asked that, the waiter came back with a jug of red liquid.

"Please, help yourself with the drinks. They said it's fresh from a woman who just gave birth." Imperia was contemplating whether to have a try or just leave it be.

"How bad could it be, right?" Imperia takes a small sip and slowly savour the after taste. It wasn't that bad but even a vampire should be picky when it comes to food.

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