Just Go With It

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The book of the week is:

Book Title: Just Go With It

Author: babygurll98

Genre: Erotica Romance

Rating: Hotness

Link: Click the external link at the bottom or you can find the book listed on the profile's reading list.

Short Summary: Megan attends college at Clemson University and she has a boyfriend named Christian that she has been with since high school. She doesn't hate her life she has just gotten sort of bored with it until she meets... Noah. She meets him in a class she wasn't even going to take and as soon as they see each other something sparks in both of them... a feeling they can't ignore that will soon take over their hearts and bodies. Noah can't take it he has to do something about it... about her. Will she give in to the feelings taking over her??

Possible Triggers: Mature language & content with sexual scenes

Strongest Writing Trait: Detailing

Weakest Writing Trait: I am not sure sometimes if I give to much detail

Help request: Maybe a little input on my summary for my book, I am not sure it really draws people in good enough.


You have a minimum of one week to read as many chapters as you can/want. We ask that you read a minimum of 3-5 chapters in order to get a good feel for the author's work. Once you've finished reading you may use the critique questions to guide you through your review and feedback.

If you have any questions, please let us know. Otherwise, just have fun!

Happy reading/writing, Lovelies!

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