Hello Brother

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Eden's POV*

Anna is safe. Pamela is dead. And me and the Winchesters just keep moving. Saving people hunting things. It was nice. I started getting my juice back. Im stronger every day. I can tune back into Angel radio full time now and my wings are working for the most part. One night I was asleep next to Dean when a scream woke me up. It was in my head. I stood up without waking the Winchesters and flew to where one of my sisters had died. My arrival caused a bunch of car alarms to go off. I looked at my dead sister and tears began to slip down my face. Castiel appeared and turned off all the car alarms. He knelt down next to me and whispered, "Goodbye sister." police sirens were heard in the distance. (underlined is in enochian)"Castiel...Who did this?" I cried he looked at me sadly. "Come we must go the humans are approaching." Castiel said. "Come we are not done talking." I said grabbing his hand and flying to a nearby field. He was confused. "What are you?" Castiel asked. His Angel blade ready. "It has been a very long time Castiel... I don't blame you for not recognizing me." He looked even more defensive than before. "You want to know why I speak your language. Why I have powers. Why I call you brother. You are my brother, Little Cassie" He looked angry. "DON'T CALL ME THAT" I use to call him that. I assumed it would reveal my identity but it just hurt him. "I have called you that since you were created Cassie. You know my name. I raised you. I was with you the day of the fall. You were the one who informed me of my brothers impending demise. You know me Castiel." He looked at me In disbelief, "...Eden?" He whispered. My eyes glowed and I smiled at him, "Hello brother..." Castiel fell on his knees same as Anna. He held onto my legs for dear life and began to cry silently. "I've missed you little Cassie" I smiled. I knelt down next to him and held him close. I told Castiel everything that happened from the fall till now. He sat quietly and listened "You can't tell anyone I'm alive yet Little Cassie." i whispered once I had finished. "What? everyone must know!" He was confused. "I have work to do before I can return. I can't do that if heaven knows that I live. I will see you soon little Cassie... We will get to the bottom of who killed our sister." I smiled and kissed his forehead before flying away. 

When I got back to the hotel It was morning and the winchesters had gone to get breakfast. I saw the Impala pull up and walked outside to meet them. "Morning" I smiled. "morning sweetheart. Where you been? you weren't there when we woke up." Dean said. "I'll tell you about it later." I smiled. They nodded their heads. That night we walked back into the motel room. "Home crappy home" dean sighed turning on the lights. "Winchester and Winchester and Other" oh crap Uriel this can't be good. "Oh come on" Dean said. I looked over to see castiel in the back staring at me. "You are needed." Uriel said "Needed? we just got back from needed" dean shouted. "You mind your tone with me" Uriel whispered. Oh he was pissing me off. "You mind your damn tone with us." Dean shouted. "We just got back from pamela's funeral. You remember pamela. Cas you burnt her eyes out remember ha good times. Yeah then she died saving one of your precious seals. So maybe you can stop pushing us around like chess pieces for five freakin minutes" Dean yelled. I flinched at the volume. Hell really did a number on me. Castiel saw and stepped closer to me. "We raised you outta hell for our purposes" Uriel continued. "Oh yeah and what were those again. What exactly do you want from me?" Dean hissed. "Start with gratitude" Uriel hissed back. "ENOUGH" I yelled with a hint of my god voice. They all stopped. "Uriel say your piece and be on your way." I said. "Angels are being murdered. all from our garrison. the last one was tonight." Uriel said. Dean and Sam looked at me for confirmation and I nodded my head yes. "We have Alastair but he won't talk we've arrived at an impasse." Castiel spoke. "NO not gonna happen." I said. Dean looked confused. "You were trained by alastair they want you to break him. You can't ask him to do this Castiel. Not this." I said. Uriel stepped directly in front of me. "Who said anything about asking?" He hissed. Just then he disappeared with Cas and Dean. CRAP. I flew away to start looking. 

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