Meanwhile in Heaven

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Raphael's POV*

I returned to heaven. She lives... the rumors are true. Our sister. Our Goddess walks the earth. I walk directly into the throne room to see Michael stooped over his desk. "Brother... it is true." I spoke still not completely focused. My entire realty has shifted. "What is true Raphael?" He asked leaning back and rubbing the fatigue from his eyes. "The rumors are true Brother." He perked up and stared at me. "Which rumors?" He asked with caution in his voice. "I have seen her. Spoken with her...  our sister Eden walks the earth."

Michaels POV*

No it's not true. No matter how much I want it to be. "Lies Raphael... Don't be so gullible." I said trying to mask the pain in my heart every time someone mentions her name. I swallow the lump in my throat and turn away from Raphael trying to regain my breath. "You aren't hearing me Michael... I have seen and spoken with her. Eden is alive." I turned back to face him. Against my better judgment I let my hope overcome my logic. "Brother please tell the truth... If you answer truthfully I will believe you... I ask you as your superior and as your brother... Is it truly her? Does our sister walk the earth." My voice shook and tears fell down my face but I didn't care. "It is so." Raphael said. That is all I needed to hear. "WHERE IS SHE?! We will send a battalion immediately to bring her home! We will have our sister back!" I smiled tears still streaming down my face. I have not felt this good since the last time I was with her. I was ecstatic. She LIVES. My beloved Sister. My goddess. The reason for my existence. LIVES. Raphael looked at me with sad eyes. "Where is she Raphael?" I asked cautiously. "I'm sorry brother I cannot tell you that." I must have misheard him. My joy was slowly turning to anger. "Excuse Me?" I growled. "She says she can not yet return home. She has too much to accomplish on earth. I will obey her wishes and stay out of her way." he can't be serious. "You're joking... Tell me where she is brother and I will bring her home." She belongs here with me. Where it is safe. Where she will be protected and loved. Where she will be treated like the Goddess she is. "NO I will not tell you. I'm sorry Michael." My eyes glowed an ice cold blue with wrath. "You would leave her to rot?!?! She belongs here!!! AS THE REIGNING RULER OF HEAVEN I COMMAND YOU TELL ME WHERE SHE IS" Raphael didn't budge. "You are no longer rightful ruler of Heaven.. Eden is.. so I will obey HER will."  Raphael deadpanned. "Then GET OUT!  I will find her myself. I will succeed where I failed before. This time I will protect her!" I screamed. I felt betrayed. I was created to protect Eden. I failed the first time. Now Raphael is keeping me from rectifying my mistake. "LEAVE" "Very well brother but good luck finding her... she is not ready to be found." And With that Raphael left. "ZACHARIAH!" I screamed he appeared immediately. I could feel the fear radiating off of him. "Tell every angel in heaven or stationed on earth to DROP EVERYTHING. The Goddess Eden Lives and we WILL NOT REST until she is found and brought home safely." Zachariah looked up, "But sir...The war. That MUST be your priority. It is your destiny." how dare he tell ME of MY destiny! "FIND HER! AND IF THERE IS SO MUCH AS A HAIR ON HER HEAD OUT OF PLACE NOT EVEN GOD HIMSELF WITH BE ABLE TO SAVE YOU FROM THE WRATH I WILL INFLICT! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!!" My eyes glowed with rage. "Right away sir!" He squeaked. And the search began.

A Few Weeks later...

It had been weeks and we have found no sign of her. I WILL NOT FAIL AGAIN. I should never have stopped searching for her in the first place. I deserted her... What if Lucifer found her first? What if he's done something to her? What if she is angry with me and sides with Lucifer?!?! The longer the search went on the more conspiracies I thought up. I can't fail again. I can't loose her again...


Today I was to kill my brother. He disobeyed. I had no choice. But that doesn't mean I was any less heart broken. "STOP!" Eden commanded in her (as Gabriel called it) scary God voice. Her eyes glowing a light blue with anger. All fell completely silent... not one angel dared to move. She walked towards Lucifer and all others moved out of the way. Once she finally reached him she fell on her knees and took his face in her hands wiping away tears that fell down his face. She whispered calmly, "I'll fix this... It's gonna be okay." She stood back up and turned to me, "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, BROTHER!" I flinched at the sound of her anger. I hated her anger especially if i was the cause...She saw my fear and gingerly placed her hands on my shoulders. She knew I was just being obedient. " I'm sorry... what I meant was why is Lucifer being put to death?" She said more calmly. "He corrupted our fathers creation... he disobeyed." I said trying to keep my voice steady. Though Eden knew me better, she could feel my true pain. "I am fully aware of what he has done...that was not my question. I asked why our brother is being put to death, not what has he done to receive punishment." I had no idea how to respond. "Because father has commanded it." Is all I came up with. It was then Lucifer spoke up, " I have done nothing but prove my suspicions correct! The humans are flawed abortions not worth us bowing down to! Father has made me a villain to distract from his flawed creation. HE'S NOT EVEN HERE TO WATCH ME DIE! I don't deserve death!" Tears once again falling down my brother's face. Eden's heart broke at this, then she looked around and realized he truly wasn't there. Our father wasn't even there. I looked at Eden with such despair in his eyes.. I wanted her to stop me. To order me to free my brother and forgive him... but my father's will must be done, "I'm so sorry sister...but our fathers will must be done." Just then Rachael and a few lower class angels grabbed Eden holding her still.

I approached Lucifer with his lance as Eden cried out for me to stop. But I couldn't...I stated loud enough for all to hear, "The Archangel Lucifer has been charged with treason and the corruption of humanity and is found guilty. By the command of our father the Lord you are hereby sentenced to death. Goodbye brother." As I raised my lance Eden broke free from her bondage and jumped to stop me. But she couldn't stop me in time...

She had jumped in front of her brother to save his life. The cry of absolute anguish that erupted from me filled heaven. I was made to protect her and I was her downfall... my sister my annoying older sister who I loved more than anything was gone... and it was all my fault... I failed.

End of Flashback...

I can't lose her again. I can't fail again. I searched for centuries for her body. But I never found her... She was dead and I didn't even get to say goodbye. Lucifer caused her death... If he didn't disobey this would have never happened... I will not fail again I will find her and bring my sister home... just as I thought this I heard it... A soft prayer... barely above a whisper but it was there.. "Michael, it's me... We have much to discuss. I'm here... I'll wait. I'll be here whenever you ready." It was her... I know it was. She's alive... my sister... my Eden... I will NOT fail this time. I have been given a second chance to redeem myself. This time I will not lose her. Never again...


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