Horsemen's rings

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Eden's POV*
Gabriel is dead... his final words were in the form of Casa erotica 13. Because why wouldn't Gabriel make his last words a porno. But he did tell us how to stop the apocalypse. The four horsemen's rings. They are the key to Lucifer's cage. If I can trap them in there until I think of a way to get through to him than no one dies! We already have war and famine. We just need pestilence and death. Towards the end of Gabriel's video he spoke enochian so that only I could understand. "Eden... you are the only hope this world has of getting better. It wasn't a trick when I said you'd be a great leader... I know my death is hurting you. But please don't let your grief affect your mission. Bring our family back together... Dad bailed. This world is yours now. Rebuild it in your image. Make things better. I know you... I know that secretly you don't want to be a leader. You just want things to be perfect and peaceful. Well your our only hope for getting that princess.... and Eden... thank you. You raised me and took care of all of us. I'm sorry I left our family. I'm sorry I let you down... I just didn't want to stand up to our brothers.... Well Eddie this is me....standing up.... and this is me laying down." With that Gabriel proceeded to... other activities. But it still left me in tears. He was right I didn't want to rule... but I have a mission. I need to stop the apocalypse...


We've been hunting down pestilence. Fourth town of swine flew but nothing major. What was he doing? Then crowley showed up next to me in the back seat. "Fancy a chat? your upset.... we should discuss it. NOT Here but-" he started to panic went we all got outta the car after him. "I GAVE YOU THE COLT!" He screamed. "YEAH AND YOU KNEW IT WOULDN'T WORK AGAINST THE DEVIL! YOU SET US UP! WE LOST PEOPLE ON THAT SUICIDE RUN... GOOD PEOPLE!" Sam ranted. I scowled at the term devil used for my brother. Sure I still felt betrayed by luci. After all he killed Gabriel. But that is just temporary. Once i stop the apocalypse and I sit on the throne of heaven I will restore Gabe and all will be well. But first I need to stop the apocalypse so I need the rings. "Where is pestilence? and don't even try playing dumb crowley I know you know where he is." Crowley began to to rant about all his troubles again. I'm being hunted blah blah blah. "CROWLEY!" I interrupted. "Right! sorry your highness.... shall we?" Crowley stuttered. 

He brought us to his hideout. Apparently he had been stalking us and knows about our plan to trap lucifer. "Where is pestilence crowley?" I asked. "well I don't know where pestilence is per se but I do know the demon that does. He's what you might call the horseman's stable boy. He handles their personal needs...He is who you want. believe me he'll tell us where sneezy is at." Crowley explained. "Well how do we get him to spill? rip out his toe nails?" Dean asked. Crowley laughed. "Darling we have the heir to heaven... The fearsome first creation. The name Eden sparks fear in ever demon sunday school.... She'll break him." Crowley smiled looking at me. "Where is this demon?" I asked. "Niveus pharmaceuticals" He only invited me and dean... oh I don't like this one bit... not one bit


 Crowley killed front desk humans and sent me and dean up to the twelfth floor alone... we walked into the demons office. We got straight down to business. "We hear you want the rings follow us nice and civil and we can discuss a transaction." Dean said proudly. "Who says I want them?" The demon smiles. Dean gulped. "Y-you know folks.." Oh this was starting to fall apart. "See Even if I did get the rings and crammed em onto war and famines boney fingers it wouldn't be much use... you see their withered husks right now... fetal position on the floor. all thanks to you! So no I don't want the rings I want retribution... and I'M GONNA RIP IT RIGHT OUT OF YOUR ASS." The demon smiled. Hahaha I'd like to see him try.  I smiled and started to laugh. "You find this funny?" The demon said still smiling. "Oh I am extremely amused." I said full on laughing now. "Oh yeah and why's that?" He looked confused now. I saw Dean smirk. "Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time. A no good, douchebag Demon had information of how to find someone. Sound familiar? A hunter walks in with a secret weapon to destroy the demon and make the demon tell him where the someone they're looking for is. Do you know what the weapon was?..... It was a goddess. The very first creation. Her name was Eden." I smiled. The demon panicked and tried to get out of his meat suit to escape. I held out my hand and put him back in the vessel. "Oh but darling you didn't hear the end of the story.... The hunter and his weapon find pestilence and save the day. But the demon..... well let's find out." I placed two fingers on his forehead and brought him out to the car. Crowley carved some symbol into the demons chest so he couldn't smoke out. Apparently this demon we captured... He and sam had history. This demon... He introduced him  to Jesse. Oh this won't be good.

"Listen you do the math. If lucifer wins. The morning star cleans house and we're all history." Crowley said to "Brady". "He created us. Why would he do that?" Brady smiled. I walked into the room and Brady stiffened. " You know that's a myth right? Lucifer didn't create the demons... He also doesn't know what you Demons did to me... for centuries. I'm sure he won't be too pleased when he finds out.... There is no winning this. I will always win. So for now. Save yourself. Tell me where is pestilence?" I said getting closer to Brady. "C-Crowley get me outta here I'll tell you whatever you want. " Brady said terrified. I let my eyes glow blue and used my Goddess voice. "WHERE IS PESTILENCE?!?!" He was shaking practically in tears. "I'll tell ya. Please just don't hurt me." He told us where pestilence. After he told us I snapped my fingers and a circle of salt surrounded Brady. Sam and Dean walked into the room and I stepped outside of the circle. "What is this?" Brady asked. "All those angels, all those demons, all those sons of bitches they just don't get it do they Sammy?" Dean asked staring down Brady. Sam stood perfectly still with demon knife in hand. "No they don't Dean..." Sam responded. "You see Brady we're the ones you should be afraid of." Dean said and Sam approached Brady. "I bet this is real moment for you big boy. It'll make you feel all better?  Gonna make up for all the times we yanked your chain? yellow eyes, ruby, me? But it wasn't all out fault was it. No no no no your the one who trusted us. Your the one who let us into your life. Let us whisper in your ear over and over and over again. Every wonder why that is Sammy? Ever wonder why we were so in your blind spot? Maybe it's because we got the same stuff in our veins and deep down. you know your just like us." Brady finished his rant and attacked. But sam easily defeated him. "MAYBE YOU HATE US SO MUCH BECAUSE YOU HATE WHAT YOU SEE EVERY TIME YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR! YOU EVER THINK OF THAT? maybe the only difference between you and a Demon is your hell is right here-" Sam then drove the knife through brady's heart and killed him. "Interesting theory." Sam said as Brady's body dropped. 

We have pestilences location soon we'll have him and we'll be one step closer to stopping all of this. Soon I'll have Gabe back and my family. It's only a matter of time.

Chuck's DaughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora