1. I Don't Need A Babysitter- Let Alone FIVE.

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I clenched my fingers tightly around Merlin's mane as I pressed my heels into his side-- signaling for him to accelerate.

On a hot, summer day, there's no better feeling then storming over the hilltops on my big, grey horse; Merlin.

The wind ran through my long, wavy, milk-chocolate locks; tracing shivering circles in the back of my neck.

thump. thump. thump.

Merlins's hooves pummeled the ground, and I learned forward, whispering softly into his ear.

Merlin snorted, I chuckled, before bringing him to a walk, and dismounting-- settling down under The Big Willow Tree. Out of the endless landnthat I own, this is by far my favorite spot. Everything is calm: the willow branches gently swayingnt my content, the grass as green and thick as an unimaginable turf. I sat quietly , watching Merlin graze like a lawn mower. He's the only close family I've got. Both my parents abandoned me when I was twelve: I'm 18 now.

The other closest relative I have is Uncle Simon. Oh yes my friends, Simon Cowell: internationally renown music producer and multi-billionaire. As for me? He gave me a shit load of money after he found out that I was under his custody.

And that was that. Now I own eighteen acres of barns, arenas, and wide open fields. A barn with twelve horses, and my own stable hand.

I looked down at my watch. 3:13 pm. Time just goes on and on, so I've got plenty of time. I'm in no hurry. I've just got to go back and feed the horses before it gets dark, but with summer nights like these, there is no rush.

Merlin snorted contently, pinning his ears forward at every sound in a three-mile radius. I just smiled, folding my arms, leaning back against the willow and crossing one leg over the other.

Now, to answer all the questions. I can basically read minds. I know all of your questions, so I'll go ahead and answer.

1. No, I have no idea why my parents abandoned me; where they are; and to be honest- I like it this way.

2. Yes, I am a professional equestrian. I am very competitive with my riding, and I am an Olympic hopeful. Yes Ma'am - I'm reserved for the 2016 Equestrian Olympics.

3. No, I am not close with Uncle Simon. He rarely visits me, or on that matter, calls me.

Does that answer your questions?

Though I don't mind it now, having your parents abandon you is a scarring experience. I find trust very difficult. I only really trust my best friend Catherine, and of course my stable hand, Chase. I've tried dating a few times in my life, but they've all gone downhill. I guess you could call me kinda socially awkward. I'm loud, and the trust thing never helps.

Some guy I dated called me bipolar. I know, cruel, but I'm not sure whether or not it's true.

My phone rang. Startling Merlin, his ears snapped backwards, and he began to hoove at the ground. I lunged forward, wrapping my fingers strategically around the reins, disabling him to spook or run away. Speak of the Guardian 'Angel', I'm getting a call from uncle Simon! Another thing I don't like about people in general: charity.

People think I need help and stuff but I don't! I don't want anyone's charity, help, or pity. Or need it. I can take care of myself.

For some reason, people find it hard to see that.

I stop sitting there and glaring at the glowing iPhone screen, and answer Simons call.

"Hello? Uncle Simon?" I said, almost in an ill-tempered way.

A PAYNEFUL PAIR- LIAM PAYNE FANFIC.Where stories live. Discover now