4. Things Are Changing . . . NOT!

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A week later.


Well, we’ve been doing pretty much the same thing everyday. It’s gotten SLIGHTLY easier, and she’s definitely improving. It’s slow, but it’s progress.

Danielle has also been on my mind a whole lot lately. I’m trying not to think about her, but it’s hard. It’s hard to accept the fact that we’re not going to get married and have two kids and move to Disney World.

I guess I’ll have to move to Disney World with someone else...

Anyway, enough with the self pity.

Tomorrow, Lauren is going to be in a competition, so she's super concentrated on that. She only wants the very best. If she can't have that then it’s not worth it. She’s in a bit of a mood because of it. Today, she has assigned for us to help her get all her gear together while she practices non-stop with “ABSOLUTELY NO DISTRACTIONS WHATSOEVER”. You can only imagine how strict she’s been.

I’m not sure what will happen when we’re done, but it ought to have something to do with it.

In case you’re wondering, Harry and Catherine ARE dating and yes they HAVE gotten the chance to know each other. Turns out all that cooking definitely gives them a shitload of time together, giving them time and the chance to get to know each other very well. Lauren also allowed them to go on a date, which I assume went remarkably well. We’ve gotten Harry to spill some beans. I think Harry really is serious about her. It’s not one of those flings; he really is determined to be hers.. Which I also believe won’t be much of a problem.

I glance over at Lauren, who stands beside Merlin, stroking him gently in his pasture. Nothing but a thick white fence, and a division between grass and gavel stands between them. She sits on the fence, leaning over to caress the big, white horse. She loves him to death, and tries hard not to over-spoil him.

I’ve been getting to know her quite a bit. She’s not exactly as strict as what surfaces her, she’s a bit more sophisticated than she’s capable of explaining to us. Her words are still strategically structured, cunning and full of wit.

Soon enough, Zayn walks up to her, carrying one of her fancy saddles. He leans next to her on the fence and begins to chat. I’m not just going to sit over here and watch the action, I want to be part of the conversation! Maybe it’ll take my mind off Danielle.

I drop- well, more like carefully place to avoid being in trouble- what I’m working on and strut over to them. From what I can see, Javaad is teasing her to the point where you can tell she’s annoyed and is basically fuming, as she is trying to practice.

“Zayn, shouldn’t you leave Lauren to her work? I mean, we want her to be the best she can,” I say with a lively spirit. Zayn’s eyebrows come together with a confused look. As if to say ‘Excuse you!’ I purse my lips and Lauren crosses her arms.

“Yeah, don’t you have somewhere to be?” she sasses, raising her eyebrows at him. He shrugs. “Well, in case you’ve forgotten, I assigned you to get the competition oats out.. Remember?” she says. Zayn looks at me, and then at Lauren longingly, then walks away. Lauren mouths ‘thank you’, just in case Zayn hears. I smile genuinely.

“So, how have you been doing?” I ask, leaning against the post.

“Well, not actually 100% sure. I’m really hard on myself, in case you haven’t noticed. When I tell myself I need to better, I’m not sure if it’s entirely true, or if it’s just me being a bitch to myself,” she somewhat jokes, kissing Merlin’s nose. "The dedication levels are time consumption meters are rapidly rising so I need you all to be especially cooperative!"

A PAYNEFUL PAIR- LIAM PAYNE FANFIC.Where stories live. Discover now