A letter

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Ughh... this chapter took so long to write and so much of my will. This isn't an exclusive chapter but I hope you like it.


Few more weeks has passed since the visit to the Gotham academy principal. Nothing has changed. The Waynes still kept their family secret a secret, not bothering to share. It bothered Danny but he couldn't be very mad at them. After all, he was doing the same thing. School remained a hell for Danny. Dan bothered him every time during lessons, breaks, tests, lunches, at home.... nearly everywhere. Something must have happened to the big ghost, because he hasn't said a single word this whole week. The halfa caught himself thinking that it was sometimes awfully quiet without him. Yes, he was a demonic pain in his ass but he was also a part of his family. Kind of.

The friendship between Ryan and Danny grew stronger with every day. Ryan paid weekly visits to the manor and he become kid of close with Danny's brothers. His older brothers weren't at home very often, only in the evening due to their school and work. Their youngest sibling Damian, he still glared at Ryan as if something wasn't right with him.

Other boring and awful day at school. During the last week, his grades rose a little, but only a little. One of the teachers caught him cheating. Danny had the luck that the teacher really liked him and took pity on him. She talked to Danny after the class for a while to set things right. The only bad thing was that he wasn't allowed to sit next to Ryan anymore. The halfa was so grateful that she didn't report him to the principal because he didn't need another problem with Bruce.

Today was the decisive day. The day when the students of the Gotham academy were supposed to take the SAT test. They have been preparing for weeks now, getting ready for this day. Danny felt sick from the early morning because of his anxiety. His whole family tried to calm him down but with no luck. A sixth sense was telling him that Dan was going appear today and he didn't like it. He's been quiet the whole week so why not wait one more day?

The car ride was awfully quiet, with Danny being drowned in his math and English notes. Tim repeated him that he'll do well, like a broken record.

"Danny, just calm down. This isn't life or death situation." Tim eyed him worriedly from the next seat.

"And what if it is?" Danny replied angrily without raising his head. As soon as the car stopped, the halfa practically ran to his classroom, trying to revise as much as possible before the lesson starts. Ryan was sitting by himself, just staring out of the window. He and Tim were very similar in the academic way. Both of them knew everything without spending long nights memorizing things.

Around 7:55, every student was already gathered in their home room, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Ms. Thorn opened the doorway exactly at 8:00, her hands full of papers.

"Good morning students, I believe you are prepared for today's big test." The teacher greeted her students. The students just grunted in reply. Ms. Thorn handed out the answer sheets first and instructed her students in how to fill it out correctly. With every passing second, Danny's anxiety lever rose. When he thought about it, he wasn't completely sure of the source of his discomfort. Was it the fact that he was writing this big test or Dan may show up.

Danny was shocked when his teacher put a 50 paged pile on his desk. "At least I have 3 hours to complete this." There was no response, what could be considered as a good sign.

"Three hours countdown starts now." The teacher announced and gave her students thumbs up. The halfa opened the first page and dug into the reading. The first part consisted of reading and text linked questions. It surprised Danny on how easy this part of the test was. Without Dan's constant complaining it went smoothly. The only thing he really had to do was to read the texts properly and answer to few text related questions.

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