Old enemy

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Danny  had absolutely no idea to where he was being dragged. The hallways seemed like perfect duplicates of the hallways in every other hiding. The assassins dragged them deeper and deeper into some underground tunnels and they seemed to be in a hurry. Was it the fact that the ectoranium was slowly fading out of Dan's system or there was someone waiting for their arrival. No idea.

The small group of people arrived to their final destination. They were now standing in front of a thick steel door with a complex looking security. With a swift movement of a card, the steel door opened and revealed a dark room illuminated lightly by a green light. Green bars formed a circle in the middle of the room, creating a cage of some sorts.

When Dan saw his surroundings, he immediately started trashing violently. He knew perfectly well what was coming. Torture. When he looked at his human half, Danny was giving him a worried glance. There was a warm short lived feeling inside when he realized that Danny was still worried about him and that he didn't shut out everyone after the way he treated him. The way he acted, he had a reason. Dan needed everyone to think that he was the superior one, the ruthless and evil one. He didn't want Danny to rant out his cover. In fact, he was actually fond of the boy, he thought of him as a small brother.

"How nice to see you again Daniel." A man everyone thought was dead chuckled as he emerged from the shadows. "It wasn't nice of you to leave me in my falling mansion."

"Ho...How?" Danny stuttered as he tried to move away. Unfortunately, he couldn't due to the man holding him tightly in his place. "You... you were unconscious when I tore the place apart."

"Thinking of us as one? Interesting..." the ghost thought while glaring daggers at the supposed-to-be-dead man. Vlad seemed interested only in Danny, not even looking Dan's way. He didn't mind at all, there was just an uneasy feeling within.

With Vlad's hand around his shoulders, Danny was dragged deeper into the dark chamber. Right before he left the ghosts view, he shot him a small glance. After the man left, the two remaining guards tossed Dan inside of the circular prison, locking him inside. Just as set one foot inside, a wave of uneasiness hit him. There was no way the bars were just painted green, the ghost harmful radiation was everywhere around them.

"Enjoy the torture." One of the guards snickered, making his comrade laugh. The ghost only grunted in response, not looking forward to the process.

"Daniel, you must understand that he's dangerous. With his special abilities and fighting techniques, he's unstoppable." The chief scientist, also know as Vlad Master tried to win the 14 year old on his side. 

"He's not pure evil." Danny tried to protest. "When you get to know him, he's actually quite sentimental."

"But he has changed, hasn't he?" Vlad was trying to get the boy on his side, away from the ghost so he could separate them permanently.


"I thought so..." the man sighed and pushed Danny alongside him further. "I prepared a special room for you. I know you don't like to be near the abomination these days." With a sympathetic smile, Vlad pushed the boy towards a glass wall. It was a small room equipped with a worn out sofa, nothing special.

Danny wasn't trusting the man so he stopped. Not that he would go inside of his free will. As he was just standing there, Vlad grew really impatient so he kicked the boy in his back, sending him flying inside his 'special' room. The door shut tightly behind the halfa, blocking his only way out.

"Let me out!" He shouted and banged his fists against the glass. "I wouldn't drain my energy.
It's a bulletproof glass." Vlad smirked and proceeded with his plan. Despite Danny's hopeless banging, the scientist made his way towards the circular cell in the middle of the underground chamber.

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