No chance in hell

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About a month has passed since Jason's first attempt of a rescue mission. After searching the league of shadows headquarters, they slowly moved through their every singe hideout, searching restlessly for Danny. The same day Jason and Tim went to search for Danny for the first time, Bruce also realized his son's absence. During Jason's search party, Bruce and his sons started their own search for Danny. They still didn't know about Dan and the assassin groups so their perspective was more extensive. Bruce was searching cities while Jason was searching illegal organizations. When Danny didn't show up anywhere, they searched the court of owls, but they came up with the same results.

It tore Jason to shreds not being able to find his brother. He was afraid that he was held somewhere unwillingly and under Dan's control. In those paste few weeks, he learned somehow to respect the ghost, but he couldn't deny that he was also evil. Dan may have helped Danny few times, but it could have been a cover for his bad intentions.

When the whole family was now searching for their newest addition, it was easier for Tim and Jason to sneak out and search for Danny in the more dangerous places without their family being suspicious about them.

"I need to find him!" Jason smashed the bat computer keyboard hard, making it jump slightly. He wasn't sad anymore, his emotions mixed together and formed a raging pile. Jason couldn't stop himself, he snapped at everyone, he refused to eat and drink and he hasn't slept in days, running only on coffee and energy drinks.

"We will." Bruce reassured his son, but he himself wasn't really sure about that. Who can disappear from Batman's radar for a month. Freaking month. No one. The billionaire pulled his oldest side over, out of hearing range of his second oldest son. With a pained expression, Bruce told Dick something that has been bugging him for some time now.

"Dick, we have to accept the option that Danny is dead..." Dick only stared at his father, but deep inside, he was thinking about the same thing. "No one can hide this well..."

"Only one can..." The first robin though out loud, alarming his father. "Ra's al Ghul."

"Do you think he got him?" Bruce asked.

"I don't know, but we should tell Jason. Even if it is just an idea." With a sad smile, Dick headed back to the center of the cave. His brother was still sitting in the chair, staring mindlessly at a file of his brother.

"Ugh... Jason, There might be a chance that Ra's took Danny and disappeared. That would also explain why we couldn't find him anywhere." Dick was expecting a rise in his brothers mood, an outburst or a breakdown, but Jason surprised him.

"Tim and I searched their every hideout, we have cameras everywhere, but he's not there, nor the Court of Owls." The anti-hero sighed and brought his knees to his chest. With a head buried between his knees, he let few tears slip. His Danny was nowhere to be found, maybe alone, afraid and he had a murderous personality bound with him. Jason would never cry, over anything, but when people snatch the most valued thing, the thing or person leaves with a part of your heart and that hurts like hell.

"Why didn't you tell us Jason?" Bruce asked from behind. "He wasn't there so what was the point?" Jason lamented and got off the seat. "I need to clear my head. I'm heading to the city."

As soon as Jason left, Bruce brought Dick closer to him and said. "Please, follow your brother and make sure, he doesn't do anything stupid."


The past month was no walk through the gardens for the young halfa. They were forced to move, every night so they wouldn't be found by anyone. Each day, they visited new assassin hideout around the globe and trained there. More accurately, Dan trained and Danny was watching him. Since the day they left the Himalayas, Danny could see his ghost counterpart get better and better after every training. It was amazing to watch an 8 foot giant move with such grace and speed, as if the laws of physics didn't apply to him.

These days, Dan has been fighting the most skilled members of the league and as his skills grew and so did his plan. Every passing day, he was closer to achieving his goal. The goal was simple, become the leader of the League of Shadows and then with its help, conquer the world. Also by each passing day, Dan grew colder to Danny, which resulted in closing inside of himself. The world stopped existing and it was only one simple routine.

Get up
Dress up
Watch Dan train
Get remnants of lunch
Watch Dan train again
Move somewhere else

"The Grand Master asked for your presence." The league's 'mailman' announced one morning. It was before the morning training so it couldn't mean many things. There was something really important the man wanted to share with them or Dan was finally qualified to fight with him. It didn't happen often that a man was considered skilled enough to go against the Master and when it did happen, it was always a huge thing. Unfortunately for Dan's fame and ego, it wouldn't be so crowded today because of their isolation.

Danny followed the ghost as a pendant towards the small courtyard. They were like Batman and Robin, no need for words, but in a darker way. The courtyard was empty, except for Ra's al Ghul and three other assassins, who were waiting for the show.

Expectancy filled everyone's usually cold eyes as Ra's and Dan stepped in front of each other, sizing their opponents.

A clip point blade versus a simple straight back. The ghost didn't have the patience so with an enraged scream, he launched. Ra's easily dodged his attacks by his blade or by stepping away while using only one hand. As the two sharp blades met in the air, Dan quickly twisted his hand to an inhuman angle, forcing the sword out of the assassins hand.

Not thinking twice, the ghost jumped high into the air and brought his katana down at the man. With his bare hands, Ra's caught the blade and broke it. With an unusual smirk on his face, he launched at a surprised Dan, throwing him to the ground. Ra's went to pick up his sword that was sticking out of the ground only few feen away from him. With a slight clank, the weapon was out and aiming at the ghost's heart.

"How?" Dan growled from his lying position under the sword. From the other end of the blade, Ra's chuckled and spoke. "Foolish child. I'm hundreds of years old and I've trained with the greatest teachers in history. How could you possibly..."

There wasn't much to do in the ghosts position now. He didn't even have the chance to go intangible and get away, this time, his life was at stake. While the man was busy with talking, Dan straightened his leg and aimed for the soft spot. The assassins didn't expect anything so simple from his student and with a pained expression, he fell on his knees.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm half fourteen and I have learned this from small runt." To escape the weapons of the rest of the group, Dan held the man by his throat and flew high into the air. "I know there isn't a lot of you, but from now on, you'll listen to my commands! I'm your new leader!"

"Did you really think that I would just join your army? Without my own selfish intentions?" The ghost asked smirking, hovering in the air.

"No, that's why I made some precautions." The man croaked and the his head fell limp from the lack of oxygen. Danny listened to the conversation quietly, soaking in the information.

"This can't be real! My dreams are coming true, in a way..." The halfa thought terrified. He could only watch as those three assassins took out blowing darts filled with green liquid and aimed at Dan. He only registered his counterpart hurling towards the ground, knocked out. Maybe the only part going according with Dan's plan was Ra's al Ghul's murder. With the man knocked out, there was no chance for him to get out of the way of Dan's falling body. With a sickening crack, the older man's back broke on the impact, finishing him off.

"Throw him into the lazarous pit and bring the ghost to our special chamber." A man standing closest to Danny barked and dragged the boy alongside him inside.

INSIDE OUT (DP+Batman crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ