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Y/n came down the stairs, she saw the lady who woke her up back early.

"Hey.. Uhm, where is the kitchen?" The lady kindly showed her the way and she thanked her. As she came in she saw five men eating at the big table, she didn't know what to do until Jimin called out for her.

"Oh?! You already awake, come, come!" She obeyed and sat next to him, she didn't dared to look up at others as she felt the stares at her. After a long dead silent, one of them spoke.

"you know guys i hate silent! Just say anything!" the boy whined out.

"Jin.." one of them warned, glaring at him.

"What RM!? Can't we talk?!" He sigh in annoyance. "So! Tell me about yourself! How do you feel marrying him?" Y/n looked up to the voice owner. She didn't know what to say, she was nervous, well she hated that. She looked at Jungkook and back to Jin. She didn't know how to say it, Let me be honest, she said to herself, taking a deep breath before taking it out.

"Not happy. " she stared at Jungkook and back to her plate.

"Why? He has everything, he is every girls dream, he have money and buys you whatever you Want-" that was enough for her, the blood started to boil, getting mad, she stood up and yell out everything she has inside of her chest,

"Money?! Is everything with Money!? Ha! Maybe for you it is but not for me! Girls who loves money is only because of them selves and so for the money! Who does he think he is? An idiot?!" She shut her mouth with her palm, she realize what she just said now, they were shocked by her action, she looked at Jungkook and ran out of the kitchen, going upstairs to the room. Hate boys who plays smart with money. She said to herself scoffed. "Its my chance. " she mumbled and walked towards the window. It's high, now what do i do?! She said to herself and got another plan. She got down the stairs without any sound, she could hear the boys were loud and having fun, 1..2...3...run! She told to herself while running to the big door, once she opened the door rabidly, she headed outside.


It was raining hard and she wasn't wearing her shoes, her feet hurted her but she never gives up, she sigh in revile when she was a bit out of the mansions sight.

Y/n pov

Finally. I got out of the house sight, I was standing under the pouring rain, waiting for any car to show up. Just any car, please. I was all soaked, wearing only a dress. I tried to warm up myself with my hands, i was feeling a bit dizzy but I'm strong to hold it up. I heard some noises behind. Title my head over my shoulder, staring at the bushes were the sound came from. I'm scared. I started to run as fast as my strength gave me. The footsteps was heard. I didn't dare to look behind, I kept on running until a gas station came to my sight, I was about to scream for help when big arms got around my waist and his big palm shut my mouth from screaming.

"Mhm!" I keep jerking, he doesn't let go. He dragged me with all the force to where his car was. With his free hand he opened the car door front passenger, pushed me inside. He got in aswell and locked the doors. All happened so fast, he even was fast. "let me go!" I started hitting the window and a small tear came out. I let my gaze to see who he was, I was shocked. Him.

"You found me, h-how?" I shuttered and i hated that. Our eyes meet. Making me look over his shoulder at the window. He starts the car energy, ignores my existence. "I don't wanna go there. " he looks at me with his dark gaze, speaking,

"It's not up to you to decide." his tone were cold, he moves his eyes at the road as he drove slowly.

"Why did you force me to marry you? You think it's a right choice to do that?!" I finally took the chance to take it all out, he stopped the car and stares at me fully. How can someone like him have those boring yet dark eyes?

"Me? Marry you?" He chuckles. Confusing was written all over my face.

"What?" I was annoyed at his behavior. What was funny to chuckle? His expression changes to serious look.

"the one who you are going to marry isn't me." he says. What?

"What- then who?" I ask nervous.

"My Boss." he started the car again and i groaned in embarrassment. So he is a boss? Boss of what? I thought to myself curious.

"I need the bathroom." i said quickly, He looked back at me then back at the road, ignoring me. "I really need the bathroom." he stopped the car and move towards me, whispers,

"If you do something stupid, you won't like what will happen next... and I really mean it. " he warned and parked the car at the gas station, i nodded slowly while open the car door. Getting inside and quickly found the bathroom. Thank god there is a window. A mini window, though. I let myself crawl up to the window carefully. I jumped down, letting my feet touch the wet grass. I flinched when a deep tone behind me spoke.

"I told you not to do anything stupid, didn't I?" I rabidly turned to look at him. He got me.

"I-I.." he came towards me, in a light he lifted me up over his shoulder, walking to his car. I see everything upside down. Feeling unwell.

"No! Wait! Please!" I yelled crying, as he got to his car he pushed me harshly at the backseat. "Jungkook! Please! You can't do this to me!" I yelled trying to open the door, he had locked them again. After he started the car i kept on yelling. "Hear me out! I'm just an normal girl, so Please! Let me go! You will get whatever you want-" he made the car stop sudden, making me fall a little forward, he got out of the car and open the door, grabbing my arm and roughly getting me out. As he got me out he was about to put me in the backside car. "No! What are you doing!?" He just ignores me and pushed me inside and locked on me. He won't listen. Hearing the cars energy, I guess he drove off. When we arrived he pushed me inside the house.

"Woah, woah. chill Jeon!" Jimin said laughing. His eyes moves to my crying face. "you can't run away once you get inside of this house. " he said it in a dark tone, but not as Jungkooks tone, i just cried, Jimin sign Jungkook to take me to my room.

"Thinking about to run away is a wasting your time and mine too. " I just closed the door on his face and lay on the bed, crying til I drowning to sleep.

>Sleeping is a good excuse for your troubles and depression. <

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