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Dad made some tea for me to calm down. I sniffed for the last time, thanking him for the tea. I see one last picture inside the box. I grabbed the picture and turn it around.

"wait..." I mumble, still staring at the picture. That's not Taehyung, right? In the picture there was my parents. My mom was staring at the woman who was staring at my mom as well, they were smiling brightly. While my dad was gazing, with love in his eyes, at my mom, smiling a love smile. Dad was holding a baby in his arms and a boy standing beside him. A man next to dad was smiling too with a boy on his back who resemble Taehyung. Isn't that Junghae who I saw when I first came here? "dad, who are these people?" I asked dad.

"This is Junghae, his son on his back," dad points at each person with his index finger. "and his wife. And that's me, you as a born baby, Yoongi and finally your mom." I chuckle. I look weird as a baby.


"yes. Your brother, Y/N..." I gasped. Yoongi!? Yoongi as Taehyungs friend? Impossible. "and this is Taehyung."

"no wonder!" I say, looking closer at the picture. Looking even closer at the picture, I notice Taehyung and Junghae really, really, resemble each other.

"you didn't recognize him?" I shook my head, still speechless.

" No wonder why I thought uncle Junghae was Taehyung for a moment.

"I guess I'm slow with these recognizing things." I laugh.

"didn't you guys live together?" I place the picture on the table slowly.

"how do you know?" I was lowkey blushing. He laughs with his eyes.

"Ah, this is going to be a long short story."

"well, I'm listening." I say, making myself comfortable in my seat.

"it was us-me and Junghaes idea, who told Mark to give fake marriage papers to the priest. I must admit, it was a difficult mission for Mark but he still managed good, didn't he?" Ah, so this was all planned.. But what about me? My feelings? What about Nathan, who raised me. Does he know about all these?- "Hey... I know what you are thinking... Believe me, that was the only thing we rabidly came up with. We had to... I'm sorry my dear." I shook my head.

"nono, I'm just... Speechless. Didn't expect all this to be-just some planning." I smile. It's okay, all of it was not real I guess. I'm away from Taehyung. We will no longer see each other... But... I want to.

"I know you are disappointed-"

"Nono, why should I be?" I laugh it off, denying it. My laugh came extra loud.

"Oh?" he move his head close, looking for something on my face. I try to hide it. "I thought you love him? No?"

"no! Why would I love a dangerous man?" I scoffed. "I only heard bad things about him, I even saw it! Even if I had fallen for him, I just can't love him, he is dangerous. His job could make my life at risk..."

"I know, I know. But dear, you know that's our life is, right? Mine especially. We can't keep running, we are tired of it!" he sighs. He is right. "also, Taehyung is being manipulated by those people he lived with." there was a knock on the door. Junghae peeks, and gets inside.

"hello there. Did you tell her everything?" he asks dad. Me and dad both shook our heads.

"I need more." I say and he laughs, nodding.

"of course, you have the right to know...Same goes to Taehyung." he lowered his voice at the last sentence. This is Taehyungs father... Woah, he really looks like him!

The Beast [KTH X READER] ✔ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now