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Being pushed inside the room, he locks the door and pushes me on the bed before hovering over me.

"What are you doing–" he cuts me off with his lips on mine roughly. My eyes surprisingly go wide. I tried to push him away from me with my palms but, he is too strong. He took my wrist above my head. His eyes gaze at mine before slamming his lips against mine once again. He bites my lower lip, feeling the taste of blood.

"mhm, salty but sweet." A tear came down my cheek. I wanted him to stop. Please, let me push him away. Our breath was heavy. He stares at me again. I can't take this anymore, I jerked my wrist from his hard grib and pushed him away with my feet. "Do you even know who I'm?" He asked while getting up, facing his back towards me. I shaked my head.

"a pshyco..." he stopped for a while and turned his head to me slowly.

"a what you say?" I backed off seeing him came closer again. "Say it again, Y/n. Before you regret it" he looks at me with his dark eyes. He suddenly grabbed my ankle, making my throat gasp, pulling me towards him. I jerked alot. I finally tried and got my ankle out from his grib, hitting his face with it and stands up to run when he grabbed my waist harshly and pushed me again on the bed.

"Taehyung!" He got hovering me and whispered,

"you are messing with the wrong person here, Y/n." I was too scared to look at his eyes, instead I stare at his forehead.

"Please, just stop!" He shakes his head.

"you look so frail under me." he is right, I'm.

"Yes, I know." I mumbled. He sudden got my wrists up above my head again and starting deeply into puplis, I kept moving my hands, he won't let go. He was only staring at me.

"I can make you regret it more and more, Y/n." He pronounced my name again perfectly. And i would lie if i say i didn't like it... No... what am i saying? I shake the thought of mine and focus on Taehyungs face. He is indeed handso– no i need to stop– "Stop staring, you are going to melt my face." he snickers. I look away disgustingly and asked him a qustion that made him frown his eyebrows.

"Why did you forcibly me marrying you?" He clenching his jaw.

"Cause I want to..."

"Taehyung, I'm a human too. I feel love and want to be loved. I can feel pain too and it's killing me..." I couldn't say more as i burst out tears with sobbing sound. He was gazing me with black eyes, not showing any expression, just empty eyes. Feeling his grib loosen, I got away from the grib, leaving to the bathroom when he grabbed my arm harshly turning me around to face him, he pressed his mouth on my ear, whispers,

"Love doesn't exist in my existence. Don't mention it again. Got it?" I looked over his shoulder, not looking into his hard eyes. "Do you...get it?" I winced at his tight hold. "Answer me!" I flinched at his high tone. I nodded quickly. Finally letting go of me harshly. I stumble before getting away from him to the bathroom and cried silently as i slide down on my back against the door. How long can I handle this? How long will I handle?  Stepping out of the bathroom with red eyes to see the room dark. Hearing the snoring sound I guessed he was asleep. Getting my pijama out of the bag carefully without making noise. With the heavy bride white dress, I got out of the room and down to the living room. After changing, I slept on the cold couch.

Taehyung pov

Being awake with hard breathing. This dream is getting worse, shit. I close both eyes in frustration. Getting up, walking down the stairs and to the kitchen. Drinking the cold water like the hungry wolf before leaving to see her sleeping on the hard couch. Is she dumb? I gave her enough space on the bed. I walk over to see her trembling. I forgot how pretty she is. Lifting her up in my arms and walk away.

Y/N pov

Yesterday night was deadly awkward to sleep beside him. Can he be more caring? I was lost in my own thoughts when I hear the sound of the closing door. He is out? I looked through the window and i was right, seeing his car drove away. Can I run now? But why do I feel like I can't but want to?

"Argh! I'm sick all of this!" I messed my hair in frunstaion. I need to... call him.  I said to myself, running downstairs. looking at the house telephone, screw it, i will just call. I dailed the malls number which he works at. About three rang he answered.

"Hello?" I missed his voice...

"Hey...it's Y/n. I...need your help." there was a long pause.

"Did something happen?"

"Yes...I'm stuck with someone i don't want to be with..." I could hear he took a long deep breath and exhale before answering.

"I know what happened, Y/n. And I'm sorry to hear that, I was even Shocked why did he choose you after all the girls out there, I really don't know why."

"How d-did you know?" I asked waiting for his next answer.

"your dad told me before leaving."

"So, he spoke with you before leaving me out of the blue!?" I yell, fighting with my tears.

"I'm sorry, I really want to help you but i can't–"

" You just need to come and get me before he comes! Just take me to the airport or something!"

"Why don't you understand!?" I was taking aback from his sudden tone.

"Understand what!?" I yelled louder with tears.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. He is dangerous.."

"...what?" What does he mean by that? I mean, he is scary but dangerous?

The Beast [KTH X READER] ✔ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now