Chapter Forty-two

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The instant I woke up, a flood of complicated emotions swept over me

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The instant I woke up, a flood of complicated emotions swept over me. I wasn't sure if the way I was feeling had anything to do with what was going to happen today or if it was going to be a reaction to something, either partially positively or negatively.

Two days have passed since Aaren put me on read. He didn't answer any of my calls or react to any of the messages I had previously sent him in the previous two weeks that we had been almost cut off from one another's lives.

However, compared to the other days I've spent alone, today seemed like it was going to be different. There's something about having a strong likelihood of an idea that I might see him today that's passing by inside my head that creates a quick flash of enlightenment from deep within.

I finish getting ready to leave for school, worried yet excited about the idea, when I notice Clarissa leaning by the doorframe of my room, watching me as she crosses her arms to her chest.

"You seem to be in a good mood today," she says, smiling at me as I look at her through the mirror.

I turn around and smile at her, "I guess so," I said.

She watched as I picked up my backpack from the floor, carried it on my back, and headed down the stairs for a quick breakfast before leaving the house.

Zania is shoving a spoonful of cereal into her mouth as she strangely looks at me as I skip by the counter after saying good morning to her.

"Who skips in the morning?" she asks as she continues to look at me with her eyebrows knitted together.

I shrugged at her response and ask, "Who pours milk first before their cereal?"

Zania scoffs at me as she rolls her eyes, "Excuse me? Mind your own business."

"You too," I said, smiling.

As I pushed the chair next to hers, I grabbed a bowl and a spoon from the upper cupboard and poured the cereal and milk into the bowl. Before Clarissa entered the kitchen with her eyes fixed on her phone, we all ate our breakfast in silence.

"Lauren, you need to stop by Ms. Wilson's office later, okay?" she says as she scrolls through her phone, "She says that you have two sessions left before the Christmas break."

I nodded my head as I continue to eat the rest of the cereal in my bowl.

Even though I'm experiencing a strange combination of emotions, it seems to be a dull day. I still haven't started the informal letter that needs to be presented next week, and despite my best efforts to think of something to say about Aaren in a form of a letter, I'm not sure if writing something for him would make me more confident in my writing skills. I always have trouble finding the right words, and I especially struggle to give justice to whatever I am feeling.

With that glued into mind, I don't think I'll be able to start it soon as I thought I would.

It's been two weeks, too, since I stopped looking for those letters that Elise has written, and I don't appear to know much right now because I'm not sure if this is because I'm being lazy to get them (which would be an odd feeling), or because I lack the willpower to go grab them on my own (which was my original plan, to begin with).

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