Chapter 46 - The Suspect

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Isabella Clark

I'm sitting on my apartment dining room with a cup of water on the table, still in shock for what just happened in my own apartment. It isn't a crime scene but the blood is real so the police had to call an FBI so they can check on who's blood is that. It isn't just a drop of blood it's a lot of fucking blood and it smells not good.

The thought of moving out from this apartment is around my mind, I'm not safe anymore if I keep staying in this apartment plus what just happened making myself uncomfortable to stay at this place. But I don't know where to go, staying with Kelsie? Hell no It'll make their life in danger.

The problem is the person know where my families live and it's bad. Maybe I should just move out of the country for a while? New York sounds good plus I have so many friends there. Most of my job is also there, maybe it is the right place.

I'm watching the FBI who's taking a picture on my bed while taking a sample from the blood to check on whose blood is that. Never thought this thing would get so serious. The polices walk pass by, they walk in the out which caught the neighbor's attention.

It is funny where I'm expecting Alex will be the next person that come into this apartment, even though I know he will not. I shouldn't putting my feelings at the first place, I didn't think it'll lead me into this crazy heartbreak and mess.

"Miss Clark," one of the police called my name.


"We need you to come with us into our office to ask for a further information, cause from the track record you've got threatened from a person that is on our list," he said.

I stay in a silent cause I don't know what step should I do next, I need someone to be on my side through all this. It feels like I'm all alone and I don't know what to do.

"Okay," I said.

"This way miss," he leads the way out of my apartment.

Glenn was looking at me before asking what will they do to me, then I told him that I'll be at their office to answer to their question.

"Bell!" Kelsie finally arrived.

I feel so thankful once I see her appearance.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked me while hugging me.

"I'm okay It's just I don't know," I said.

"Oh my god," She said.

"I have to go to the the FBI office cause it's a serious case Kels," I said.

"Okay I'm coming with you Let's go," she said.


We arrived at the office then they let me to sit on a room that has a couch in it, more like a comfortable living room for a victim. But they didn't let Kelsie to get in, so I'm alone inside of the room with my phone on my hand but get no intentions to open it.

I look at it and it has a wallpaper of Alex and I back from our vacation, which somehow it still hurts me. To be honest his appearance is all I need right now, but I know he won't show up.

The door suddenly being opened by a lady with a black outer, her hair is mid length straight and she has a smile on her face.

"Miss Clark," she greeted.

"Hey," I nervously said.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"Still on shock," I said.

"I understand," she said.

"It feels like I just saw a dead body, but ai know it isn't a dead body," I said.

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