Namjoon ♡ Tutor

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I sighed as I looked down at my test grade.


I got a 60.

Sure it's not an F, but it's still not a good grade. I would have much preferred to get a 70.
I felt like crying. I studied so hard. I mean, I could have studied harder maybe, but I thought I was ready for this test.

I tried not to act like the grade bothered me, but it did. I flipped my paper over out of embarrassment and slipped it into my notebook. I left class feeling discouraged.

"Y/n!" I heard my teacher call.

Almost made it.

I stepped back into the classroom and walked towards her with my head down. I was thankful there were only a few people left in the classroom.

"I noticed you made a 60 on your test." She said.
"Yes I know." I nodded.
"I know you can do better than that."
"I do too. The thing is, I studied so hard for it. I felt like I was ready."
"I know what you mean. I want to help you out, you seem really stressed about this grade."
"I am." I say, my voice shaky.
"Have you considered a tutor?"
My eyes widened. "No. I don't think I need a tutor."

They'll realize how stupid I am and I'll just be a lost cause.

"Maybe you should consider it. Think about it over the weekend and come back to me Monday and tell me what you've decided. I have a great tutor that I'm sure will be able to help you."
"Okay." I sighed. "Thank you Mrs. Choi."
"Anytime Y/n."

I left the classroom heavily considering a tutor. Mrs. Choi was so kind to consider my feelings. She's always been super nice. Maybe I should get a tutor.

When I got home my dad was sitting in the living room. He heard the door close and walked into the entryway to greet me.

"Hey Y/n, how was school?"
"It was okay." I shrugged.
"How did that test go?"
"Uh..." I trailed off looking to the side. "I didn't do so great. I made a 60."
Dad frowned.
"Yeah, you're right that's not so great."
"I felt really good about it too! Not to mention I studied for it. The teacher talked to me after class. She said she knows I can do better and that maybe I should consider getting a tutor."
"She's right. You can do better. This is Mrs. Choi right?"
I nodded.
"She's a good person Y/n. She seems to truly care about you. I think you should get a tutor, at least try it out and see if it helps."
"Okay." I sigh. "She's letting me think it over for the weekend and then give her an answer Monday."
"Good. I believe in you Y/n." He smiled.
"Thanks Dad." I hugged him.
"You have to remember this okay?"
"Remember what?" I asked pulling away.
"You have to try your hardest and finish out this school year with good grades or you won't graduate."
"Right." I nod. "I'll do my best! Now, off topic but what's for dinner? I'm starving."
"Well your mom isn't gonna be home for a couple more hours so why don't we just order a pizza?" He asked.
"That sounds good to me." I grinned.


Class had just ended. I sucked in a deep breath and stood up, rushing to Mrs. Choi's desk.

"Y/n hi." She grinned. "I assume you've considered my offer."
"Yes I have. I think I'm gonna try out a tutor."
"That's great Y/n. I'm so glad you said yes. I have an amazing student. He's very smart and I'm sure he'll be able to help you."


"I can talk to him next class period. He's got my class next. I'm sure he'll be up for it. He doesn't really have any students to tutor and he's looking for something to do in his spare time. How about I tell him to meet you in the library right after school gets out? Will that be okay?"
"Yes of course. Thank you again Mrs. Choi."
"No problem dear."

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