Namjoon ♡ Black Swan

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I sat in front of my computer typing away. The ending of my book that I had worked so hard to write was finally coming to an end.

Namjoon, the alluring black swan approached the girl who he'd grown to love so much.
The two had shared many moments together and Namjoon was finally ready to tell her his true identity. He cared for her and wanted her to know the truth if they were to pursue a relationship together.

My fingers moved quickly over the keys as the words flowed out of me.

He took her out on a romantic date at a walking trail, the trees around them strung with lights. The couple had been walking for a while until Namjoon pulled her aside to a private spot.
"There's something I have to show you." He said holding onto her hands, softly running his thumbs over her knuckles. "I care about you a lot and I feel like you deserve to know the truth."
He revealed his true identity, showing her his black wings. She looked at him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. What was he? A fallen angel? She didn't know but she was fascinated.
"You're... beautiful." She spoke in awe.
He was speechless. He thought she would be scared or run away. But she didn't. She stayed. And for that, he was truly grateful.

I sighed, saving my work.

"Perfect!" I sent the draft to editor, and friend, who proofreads my stuff for me and closed my laptop. "I think I deserve a coffee." I grin.

I grab my bag and head to the nearest Starbucks. When I get there I'm disappointed to see a rather large line. Despite the unpleasant sight before me I decided to persevere and stand in line.
While I'm waiting, someone bumps me rather harshly, causing me to almost fall forward. Luckily, I was able to catch myself.

"I'm so sorry." A deep, smooth voice frantically apologies behind me.
"It's fine." I mutter, regaining my composure, turning around to be met with a pair of sharp, but warm brown eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine." I speak.
This man is stunning. Blonde hair pushed to the side, eyebrows perfectly tweezed, a cute button nose, and the fullest lips I've seen on a man. He wore all black, looking quite sleek. Maybe he's a businessman? Or just super rich.

"This line is brutal, huh." He spoke up.
"Yeah it is."
"I didn't mean to bump into you, everyone is trying to squeeze their way into the line and I was pushed."
"It's fine. I totally understand." I brushed it off. "I almost didn't stay, but I'm rewarding myself so I decided to wait."
"A reward? What is it that you accomplished, if I may ask."
"I finished writing a book."
"Oh! You're a writer?"
"Well... wannabe writer. This is only my second book."
"What kind of books do you write?"
"Fantasy, with a little romance thrown in."
"Sounds interesting."
"It can be." I nod.

Once I get to the front of the line, I order my coffee and stand to the side as I wait for it. The man behind me places his order and turns towards me.

"Do you mind waiting?" He asked.
"Not at all."
I received my order and waited on him like I said I would.
"Would you like to go for a walk?" He asked me.

We left the Starbucks and headed down the street together walking side by side.

"I realize I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Y/n." I say.
"That's a nice name. I'm Namjoon."

My heart nearly stops. Namjoon, like my book character Namjoon?

"What's wrong? You look really surprised."
"N-Nothing! It's nice to meet you... Namjoon."

There's lots of people named Namjoon in Korea. This is just a coincidence.

"So Y/n." Namjoon said taking a sip of his coffee. "When did you start writing professionally?"
"Three years ago, though I've been writing all my life. When I was younger I would write short stories, scribbling them down on notebook paper during class. I even drew some illustrations, though they weren't very good."
"That's cute." He grinned, dimples forming on his cheeks.
My heart leapt in my chest just looking at him. It was really odd how he resembled Namjoon from my book. From his dimples to his tall height and tanned skin. I choose not to dwell on it too much and brush it off as a mere coincidence.
"I'd love to read some of your stories sometime." He speaks up.
"Uh." I feel my body stiffen. "Yeah maybe one day."
That's never gonna happen.

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