Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: (Ryder's POV)

Why did she suddenly snap at me like that? I'm assuming she let the heartbreak get to her, again. I swam back over to where the guys were and saw Daniel and Harper doing the thing that couples do, *ahem* snog *ahem* and Ethan and Grace flirting hardcore. They like each other and are just too scared to admit it to themselves. Seeing that I had nothing to do with the 4 of them, I swam back to where Mia was but now saw her gone. I began looking for her, but couldn't find her anywhere and then I began to panic a little bit. "Boo!" I heard someone whisper in my ear, making me jump a little but I turned around and saw Mia, her eyes looked red and puffy. She looked like she was crying. "Where the hell were you? I was looking for you." I breathed as I observed her body language. She seemed cold, distant towards me. "I was drowning." she said bluntly. "Shut up, Mia! Don't joke about things like that." I said as I gripped her wrist. "In my tears." she sighed before she pulled her wrist out of my grip and continued swimming around. "Why were you crying?" I asked cautiously and confused.

"I was just feeling sad." she shrugged as she swam around me.

"Why were you feeling sad?" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to me, making our chests collide and her gasp. "Just because. Ryder, let go of me." she tried getting away.

"I'm not letting go of you. Sorry." I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist, while I saw her eyes tear up, again. "You're not going to let go of me?" she asked as she looked away from me, turning her head to face the shore. "No." I whispered as I tightened my grip on her, and pulled her closer to me. She tried to get out of grip while sniffling for a while until she stopped trying and just stood there in my arms. We weren't in that deep. I was standing flat footed while she was barely touching the ground on her toes. "I'm sorry." she cried as she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my left shoulder. "Why are you saying sorry? What are you apologizing for?" I asked confused. "I just am. For everything. If I ever hurt you." she pulled away from the hug and wiped her eyes and began trying to get away from me again. "Mia, you never hurt me, you don't have anything to be sorry for." I sighed as I still refused to let go of her.

We'd been swimming for a very long time. We got into the water at 10 and it was now 4pm, that's 6 hours... We had to get out. "Mia, we've been in the water too long. We should get out. You look tired, you should get something to eat." I explained as I let go of her waist and held her hands.

"I have hot cheetos." I said, trying to cheer her up. I got her to stifle a laugh and I then pulled her out of the water and to the beach, where we all lied down our towels and mats. "Where is everyone else?" she asked as she drank some water. "I don't know. I lost track of them." I breathed as I looked out at the horizon. "I'm going to go and wash off." she said softly as she grabbed her bag and headed for the bathrooms and showers. After around 20 minutes, she came back, wearing a white triangle top with denim shorts and a cardigan. I think that's what you call it. I had gone and changed while she was gone too. "You look lovely." I teased.

"Shut up." she shook her head and sat down next to me. We sat there, eating hot cheetos and looking out until we were joined by everyone else. "Have you two brought everything to stay the night?" Daniel asked. "Huh?" I heard Mia asked in shock. "We're staying the night?" she asked.

"You clearly didn't know. Who are you sharing a tent with?" Daniel asked her.

"Ryder." Harper, Grace and Ethan said in unison, earning a glare from both Mia and I. "Ryder, do you have everything?" he asked me and I nodded in response. "Then, she can share a sleeping bag with you and everything for the morning we can figure out later." Ethan suggested.

"Have you seen the size of a sleeping bag?" Mia asked. "If anything, Harper and Daniel should share one and give me the other one. They are a couple after all." she argued.

"So are you two." Ethan shrugged. "I mean, were. Same thing. Just share one. It's just one night. It's like sharing a bed." he huffed as they all sat down while Daniel and me began collecting sticks for building a fire. "Are you comfortable with that?" Daniel asked me. "Uh- yeah, I guess. Only if she is." I said hesitantly, scared of reaction.

"Are you comfortable with it?" Harper asked Mia. Mia hesitantly replied and said, "I don't really have a choice but yeah, I am." she breathed as she took a sip of water and helped Grace put all the food away and create space for the fire. We got the sticks and piled them up, after that I pulled out a lighter and lit up the fire. Us guys were sitting on one side of the fire while the girls were all sitting opposite to us. I was talking to Ethan and Daniel when I glanced over at Mia, and saw that she was just sitting there, looking at the fire, while Harper and Grace had a conversation of their own. She just sat there, emotionlessly, blankly, looking at the flames. We were all sitting around eating popcorn, so I decided to throw a popcorn at her, to try to get her attention. But I missed her, so I walked over and sat down next to her. She was so lost that she didn't notice I was there. I cupped her cheek and made her turn to look at me. "Hey, you seem a little off today. What's wrong?" I asked softly. Before she could answer Ethan yelled, "Goodnight guys! I'm out. Come on Grace." he grabbed Grace's hand and helped her up and they went into their tent, while Harper and Daniel did the same, leaving me with Mia.

"Do you want to go into the tent?" I asked as brushed her hair that fell over her face away.

"Can we just, sit here for a little while? I'm not ok." she sniffed as she leaned her head on my shoulder. "Talk to me, Mia." I said as I grabbed her ankles and turned her, making her sit facing me. "Something's about to go really wrong, Ryder. I have this sinking feeling in my stomach." she wiped a single tear that managed to escape her eye as she breathed. "What do you mean something's about to go really wrong. Mia, is this about your parents?" I asked carefully.

She had a good relationship with her parents overall, but they pressured her way too much when it came to colleges and universities. I knew she didn't want to go to one, but her parents had up front told her she had to. She simply nodded, answering my question. "About college?" I questioned and she once again nodded. "Mia, are you handling everything well?" I asked concern evident in my voice. She never did well with pressure, she could never handle it well. "No." she cried, and then began to take deep and slow breaths in order to calm herself down.

"I'm not doing well in school, Ryder. I barely passed last year and when I failed the tests, my parents didn't let me leave my house for weeks. I-I'm scared. To get close to you again. M-my parents never liked me having a boyfriend. Th-they see it as a distraction. I'm scared they'll tear us apart if we get close again." she said, stuttering.

"They won't. I won't let them, I promise." I said in just above a whisper.

"I need you." she breathed hesitantly.

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